📜  Python |大型音频文件上的语音识别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 01:47:26             🧑  作者: Mango

是将音频转换为文本的过程。这通常在语音助手(如Alexa,Siri等)中使用Python提供了一个称为SpeechRecognition的API,可让我们将音频转换为文本以进行进一步处理。在本文中,我们将研究使用Python的SpeechRecognition API将大型或较长的音频文件转换为文本。








Pydub: sudo pip3 install pydub
Speech recognition: sudo pip3 install SpeechRecognition


Input:  peacock.wav 


exporting chunk0.wav
Processing chunk 0
exporting chunk1.wav
Processing chunk 1
exporting chunk2.wav
Processing chunk 2
exporting chunk3.wav
Processing chunk 3
exporting chunk4.wav
Processing chunk 4
exporting chunk5.wav
Processing chunk 5
exporting chunk6.wav
Processing chunk 6


# importing libraries
import speech_recognition as sr
import os
from pydub import AudioSegment
from pydub.silence import split_on_silence
# a function that splits the audio file into chunks
# and applies speech recognition
def silence_based_conversion(path = "alice-medium.wav"):
    # open the audio file stored in
    # the local system as a wav file.
    song = AudioSegment.from_wav(path)
    # open a file where we will concatenate  
    # and store the recognized text
    fh = open("recognized.txt", "w+")
    # split track where silence is 0.5 seconds 
    # or more and get chunks
    chunks = split_on_silence(song,
        # must be silent for at least 0.5 seconds
        # or 500 ms. adjust this value based on user
        # requirement. if the speaker stays silent for 
        # longer, increase this value. else, decrease it.
        min_silence_len = 500,
        # consider it silent if quieter than -16 dBFS
        # adjust this per requirement
        silence_thresh = -16
    # create a directory to store the audio chunks.
    # move into the directory to
    # store the audio files.
    i = 0
    # process each chunk
    for chunk in chunks:
        # Create 0.5 seconds silence chunk
        chunk_silent = AudioSegment.silent(duration = 10)
        # add 0.5 sec silence to beginning and 
        # end of audio chunk. This is done so that
        # it doesn't seem abruptly sliced.
        audio_chunk = chunk_silent + chunk + chunk_silent
        # export audio chunk and save it in 
        # the current directory.
        print("saving chunk{0}.wav".format(i))
        # specify the bitrate to be 192 k
        audio_chunk.export("./chunk{0}.wav".format(i), bitrate ='192k', format ="wav")
        # the name of the newly created chunk
        filename = 'chunk'+str(i)+'.wav'
        print("Processing chunk "+str(i))
        # get the name of the newly created chunk
        # in the AUDIO_FILE variable for later use.
        file = filename
        # create a speech recognition object
        r = sr.Recognizer()
        # recognize the chunk
        with sr.AudioFile(file) as source:
            # remove this if it is not working
            # correctly.
            audio_listened = r.listen(source)
            # try converting it to text
            rec = r.recognize_google(audio_listened)
            # write the output to the file.
            fh.write(rec+". ")
        # catch any errors.
        except sr.UnknownValueError:
            print("Could not understand audio")
        except sr.RequestError as e:
            print("Could not request results. check your internet connection")
        i += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Enter the audio file path')
    path = input()

输出 :


The peacock is the national bird of India. They have colourful feathers, two legs and 
a small beak. They are famous for their dance. When a peacock dances it spreads its 
feathers like a fan. It has a long shiny dark blue neck. Peacocks are mostly found in 
the fields they are very beautiful birds. The females are known as 'Peahen1. Their 
feathers are used for making jackets, purses etc. We can see them in a zoo.