📜  红宝石 |预定义变量和常量

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:23.178000             🧑  作者: Mango

红宝石 |预定义变量和常量

Ruby 预定义变量

Ruby 包含范围广泛的预定义变量。每个预定义变量都有自己的规范。您可以使用预定义变量来执行特定任务,例如在处理解释器参数或正则表达式时。 Ruby 中的预定义变量列表如下所示:

$!It holds the exception information message set by the last ‘raise’. Alias of $ERROR_INFO.
$@It holds an array of the backtrace of the last exception raised. Alias of $ERROR_POSITION.
$/The input record separator, by default newline. If it is set to nil then the whole file will be read at once. Alias of $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR.
$\The output separator for the print and IO#write, nil by default. Alias of $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR
$,The output field separator for the print and default separator for Array#join. Alias of $OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR.
$;It is the default separator for String#split. Alias of $FIELD_SEPARATOR.
$.It holds the current input line number read from the last file. Alias of $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER.
$<An object that gives access to the concatenation of the content of all the files given as a command line argument or $stdin. Alias of $DEFAULT_INPUT.
$>It is the destination of output for kernel.print and kernel.printf, the default value is $stdout. Alias of $DEFAULT_OUTPUT.
$&The string matched by the last pattern match. Alias of $MATCH.
$`The string to the left of the last pattern match. Alias of $PREMATCH.
$’The string to the right of the last pattern match. Alias of $POSTMATCH.
$+The string correlated to the last matched group in the last successful pattern matched. Alias of $LAST_PAREN_MATCH.
$1-$9The string matched in the nth group of the last successful pattern matched.
$_The last input line read by get or readline in the current scope. It is a local variable. Alias of $LAST_READ_LINE.
$~It holds the information about the last match in the current scope. It is a local variables. Alias of $LAST_MATCH_INFO.
$-pIt is true if option -p is set (loop mode is on). It is read-only variable.
$-lIt is true if option -l is set (line-ending process is on). It is read-only variable.
$-iThis variable hold the extension if in-place-edit mode is set otherwise nil.
$-aIt is true if option -a is set (autosplit mode is one). It is read-only variable.
$-dThe level of -d is switch. Alias of $DEBUG.
$-vThe verbose flag. It is set by the -v switch. Alias of $VERBOSE.
$-KThe character encoding of the source code. Alias of $KCODE.
$0It contains the name of the script being executed.
$$The process number of the current Ruby program being executed. Alias of $PROCESS_ID.
$?The status of the last child process terminated. Alias of $CHILD_STATUS.
$:Load paths for programs and binary module by load or required. Alias of $LOAD_PATH.
$FILENAMEThe name of current input file reads from $<. Same as $<.filename.
$stderrCurrent standard error output.
$stdinCurrent standard input.
$stdoutCurrent standard output.
$=Flag for case-sensitive, nil by default.Alias of $IGNORECASE
$*Command line argument given for the program, also known as ARGV.Alias of ARGV.
$”Array contains the module name loaded by require.Alias of $LOAD_FEATURES.


# Ruby program to illustrate the
# use of pre-defined Variables
# Using '$0' To know about the 
# script name 
puts "Script_name: ",$0;   
# Using ' #{$$}' to know about the total
# number of process in the script
puts "Total number of process in this script: #{$$}"
# Using $; as default separator 
# for String#split.
a = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
$; = ","
p a.split       
# Pattern matching
"Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Portal!" =~ /Geeks/
# use to print the string to the 
# left of the last pattern match
p $`
# use to print the string matched 
# by the last pattern match
p $&
# use to print the string to the 
# right of the last pattern match
p $'


Total number of process in this script: 3950
["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"]
"Welcome to "
"forGeeks Portal!"

Ruby 预定义常量

Ruby 包含许多预定义的常量。预定义常量列表如下所示:

Constant NameDescription
TRUEEquivalent to true.
FALSEEquivalent to false.
NILEquivalent to nil.
STDINStandard input and default value of $stdin.
STDOUTStandard output and default value of $stdout.
STDERRStandard output error and default value of $stderr.
RUBY_VERSIONA string shows the version of Ruby interpreter.
RUBY_PLATFORMA string shows the platform of Ruby interpreter.
RUBY_RELEASE_DATEA string shows the release date of Ruby interpreter.
DATAThe file object of the program, pointing just after the __END__. And not defined if __END__ is not present in the program.
ARGVAn array holds the command-line arguments passed to the program. Alias of $*.
ARGFAn object that gives the access to the virtual concatenation of files passed as command-line arguments. Alias of $<.
ENVIt is a hash-like object, contains current environment variables.

注意:建议使用 true、false 和 nil,因为 TRUE、FALSE 和 NIL 是向后兼容的。


# Ruby program to illustrate 
# pre-defined Constants
# To know about Ruby Version
puts "Current Version: #{a}"         
# To Know about Ruby Platform
puts "Platform of Ruby: #{b}"        
# To know about Ruby Release Date
puts "Release date of Ruby: #{c}"    


Current Version: 2.3.1
Platform of Ruby: x86_64-linux-gnu
Release date of Ruby: 2016-04-26