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📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-15 04:30:26             🧑  作者: Mango


Deque是D ouble E nded Que ue的首字母缩写。它是一个序列容器,可以更改其运行时大小。容器是保存相同类型数据的对象。顺序容器严格按线性顺序存储元素。


在运行时,双端队列可以根据需要从两端收缩或扩展。内部分配器自动满足存储要求。 Deque提供与矢量类似的功能,但提供了从任何一端插入和删除数据的有效方法。



以下是头文件中std :: deque的定义

template < class T, class Alloc = allocator > class deque;


  • T-所包含元素的类型。


  • Alloc-分配器对象的类型。




Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 value_type T (First parameter of the template)
2 allocator_type Alloc (Second parameter of the template)
3 reference value_type&
4 const_reference const value_type&
5 pointer value_type*
6 const_pointer const value_type*
7 iterator a random access iterator to value_type
8 const_iterator a random access iterator to const value_type
9 reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator
10 const_reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator
11 size_type size_t
12 difference_type ptrdiff_t




Sr.No. Method & Description
1 deque::deque
default constructor

Constructs an empty deque with zero element.

2 deque::deque fill constructor

construct a new deque with n elements and assign val to each element of deque

3 deque::deque range constructor

Constructs a deque with as many elements as in range of first to last.

4 deque::deque copy constructor

Constructs a deque with copy of each elements present in existing container.

5 deque::deque move constructor

Constructs a deque with the contents of other using move semantics.

6 deque::deque initializer list constructor

Constructs a deque from initialize list.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 deque::~deque

Destroys deque object by deallocating it’s memory.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 deque::assign range version

Assign new values to the deque elements by replacing old ones.

2 deque::assign fill version

Assign new values to the deque elements by replacing old ones.

3 deque::assign initializer list version

Assign new values to the deque elements by replacing old ones.

4 deque::at

Returns reference to the element present at location n in the deque.

5 deque::back

Returns a reference to the last element of the deque.

6 deque::begin

Return a random access iterator pointing to the first element of the deque.

7 deque::cbegin

Returns a constant random access iterator which points to the beginning of the deque.

8 deque::cend

Returns a constant random access iterator which points to the beginning of the deque.

9 deque::clear

Destroys the deque by removing all elements from the deque and sets size of deque to zero.

10 deque::crbegin

Returns a constant reverse iterator which points to the reverser beginning of the container.

11 deque::crend

Returns a constant reverse iterator which points to the reverse end of the deque.

12 deque::emplace

Extends container by inserting new element at position.

13 deque::emplace_back

Inserts new element at the end of deque.

14 deque::emplace_front

Inserts new element at the beginning of deque.

15 deque::empty

Tests whether deque is empty or not.

16 deque::end

Returns an iterator which points to past-the-end element in the deque container.

17 deque::erase position version

Removes single element from the the deque.

18 deque::erase range version

Removes single element from the the deque.

19 deque::front

Returns a reference to the first element of the deque

20 deque::get_allocator

Returns an allocator associated with deque

21 deque::insert single element version

Extends container by inserting new element at position.

22 deque::insert fill version

Extends container by inserting new element in the container.

23 deque::insert range version

Extends container by inserting new element in the container.

24 deque::insert move version

Extends container by inserting new element in the container.

25 deque::insert initializer list version

Extends container by inserting new element in the container.

26 deque::max_size

Returns the maximum number of elements can be held by deque.

27 deque::operator= copy version

Assign new contents to the deque by replacing old ones and modifies size if necessary.

28 deque::operator= move version

Assign new contents to the deque by replacing old ones and modifies size if necessary.

29 deque::operator= initializer list version

Assign new contents to the deque by replacing old ones and modifies size if necessary.

30 deque::operator[]

Returns a reference to the element present at location n.

31 deque::pop_back

Removes last element from deque and reduces size of deque by one.

32 deque::pop_front

Removes first element from deque and reduces size of deque by one.

33 deque::push_back

Inserts new element at the end of deque and increases size of deque by one.

34 deque::push_back move version

Inserts new element at the end of deque and increases size of deque by one.

35 deque::push_front

Inserts new element at the front of deque and increases size of deque by one.

36 deque::push_front move version

Inserts new element at the front of deque and increases size of deque by one.

37 deque::rbegin

Returns a reverse iterator which points to the last element of the deque.

38 deque::rend

Returns a reverse iterator which points to the reverse end of the deque.

39 deque::resize

Changes the size of deque.

40 deque::resize value version

Changes the size of deque.

41 deque::shrink_to_fit

Requests the container to reduce it’s capacity to fit its size.

42 deque::size

Returns the number of elements present in the deque.

43 deque::swap

Exchanges the content of deque with contents of another deque x.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 operator==

Tests whether two deques are equal or not.

2 operator!=

Tests whether two deques are equal or not.

3 operator<

Tests whether first deque is less than other or not.

4 operator<=

Tests whether first deque is less than or equal to other or not.

5 operator>

Tests whether first deque is greater than other or not.

6 operator>=

Tests whether first deque is greater than or equal to other or not.

7 swap

Exchanges the contents of two deque.