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📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-15 04:29:38             🧑  作者: Mango


位集表示固定大小的N位序列,并存储0或1的值。0表示值为false或未设置位,而1表示值为true或设置了位。 Bitset类模拟布尔值的空间高效数组,其中每个元素仅占用一位。

当它模拟数组时,其索引也从0位置开始。可以使用下标运算符访问位集中的单个位。例如,要访问位集foo的第一个元素,请使用foo [0]

Bitset类为构造函数提供了从整数以及从字符串。位集的大小在编译时是固定的。 STL提供了vector 类,该类提供了动态调整大小功能。


以下是头文件中std :: bitset的定义

template  class bitset;





Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 reference Proxy class that represents a reference to a bit.




Sr.No. Method & Description
1 bitset::bitset()

Constructs bitset container and initialize it with zero.

2 bitset::bitset()

Constructs bitset container and initialize it with the bit value of val.

3 bitset::bitset()

Constructs and initializes a bitset container from C++ string object.

4 bitset::bitset()

Constructs and initializes a bitset container from c-style string.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 bitset::reference()

This is embedded class which provides l-value that can be returned from std::bitset::operator[].


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 bitset::operator&=

Performs bitwise AND operation on current bitset object.

2 bitset::operator|=

Performs bitwise OR operation on current bitset object.

3 bitset::operator^=

Performs bitwise XOR operation on current bitset object.

4 bitset::operator<<=

Performs bitwise left SHIFT operation on current bitset object.

5 bitset::operator>>=

Performs bitwise right SHIFT operation on current bitset object.

6 bitset::operator~

Performs bitwise NOT operation on bitset.

7 bitset::operator<<

Performs bitwise left SHIFT operation on bitset.

8 bitset::operator>>

Performs bitwise right SHIFT operation on bitset.

9 bitset::operator==

Test whether two bitsets are equal or not.

10 bitset::operator!=

Test whether two bitsets are equal or not.

11 bitset::operator&

Performs bitwise AND operation on bitset.

12 bitset::operator|

Performs bitwise OR operation on bitset.

13 bitset::operator^

Performs bitwise XOR operation on bitset.

14 bitset::operator>>

Extracts upto N bits from is and stores into another bitset x.

15 bitset::operator>>

Inserts bitset x to the character stream os.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 bitset::all()

Tests whether all bits from bitset are set or not.

2 bitset::any()

Tests whether at least one bit from bitset is set or not.

3 bitset::count()

Count number of set bits from bitset.

4 bitset::flip() all bits

Toggles all bits from bitset.

5 bitset::flip() single bit

Toggles single bit from bitset.

6 bitset::none()

Tests whether all bits are unset or not.

7 bitset::operator[] bool version

Returns the value of bit at position pos.

8 bitset::operator[] reference version

Returns the reference of bit at position pos.

9 bitset::reset() all bits

Reset all bits of bitset to zero.

10 bitset::reset() single bit

Reset single bit of bitset to zero.

11 bitset::set() all bits

Set all bits from bitset to one.

12 bitset::set() single bit

Set single bit from bitset to either one or zero.

13 bitset::size()

Reports the size of the bitset.

14 bitset::test()

Tests whether Nth bit is set or not.

15 bitset::to_string()

Converts bitset object to string object.

16 bitset::to_ullong()

Convert bitset to unsigned long long.

17 bitset::to_ulong()

Convert bitset to unsigned long.


Sr.No. Method & Description
1 bitset::hash()

Returns hash value based on the provided bitset.