📜  Python中的个人语音助手

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:16.537000             🧑  作者: Mango


众所周知, Python是一种适合脚本编写者和开发人员的语言。让我们使用Python为 Personal Voice Assistant 编写一个脚本。可以根据用户的需要对助手的查询进行操作。

实现的助手可以打开应用程序(如果它已安装在系统中),只需发出语音命令即可在 Google、维基百科和 YouTube 上搜索查询、计算任何数学问题等。我们可以根据需要处理数据,也可以添加功能,这取决于我们如何编码。

我们分别使用谷歌语音识别 API和谷歌文本到语音进行语音输入和输出。
此外,可以使用WolframAlpha API来计算数学表达式。
Playsound 包用于播放系统中保存的 mp3 声音。



这是 main函数,带有get_audio()assistant_speaks函数。创建get_audio()函数以使用麦克风从用户那里获取音频,短语限制设置为 5 秒(您可以更改它)。创建助手说话函数以根据处理后的数据提供输出。

# importing speech recognition package from google api
import speech_recognition as sr 
import playsound # to play saved mp3 file
from gtts import gTTS # google text to speech
import os # to save/open files
import wolframalpha # to calculate strings into formula
from selenium import webdriver # to control browser operations
num = 1
def assistant_speaks(output):
    global num
    # num to rename every audio file 
    # with different name to remove ambiguity
    num += 1
    print("PerSon : ", output)
    toSpeak = gTTS(text = output, lang ='en', slow = False)
    # saving the audio file given by google text to speech
    file = str(num)+".mp3 
    # playsound package is used to play the same file.
    playsound.playsound(file, True) 
def get_audio():
    rObject = sr.Recognizer()
    audio = ''
    with sr.Microphone() as source:
        # recording the audio using speech recognition
        audio = rObject.listen(source, phrase_time_limit = 5) 
    print("Stop.") # limit 5 secs
        text = rObject.recognize_google(audio, language ='en-US')
        print("You : ", text)
        return text
        assistant_speaks("Could not understand your audio, PLease try again !")
        return 0
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    assistant_speaks("What's your name, Human?")
    name ='Human'
    name = get_audio()
    assistant_speaks("Hello, " + name + '.')
        assistant_speaks("What can i do for you?")
        text = get_audio().lower()
        if text == 0:
        if "exit" in str(text) or "bye" in str(text) or "sleep" in str(text):
            assistant_speaks("Ok bye, "+ name+'.')
        # calling process text to process the query


此外, Wolframalpha api已用于计算计算部分。

def process_text(input):
        if 'search' in input or 'play' in input:
            # a basic web crawler using selenium
        elif "who are you" in input or "define yourself" in input:
            speak = '''Hello, I am Person. Your personal Assistant.
            I am here to make your life easier. You can command me to perform
            various tasks such as calculating sums or opening applications etcetra'''
        elif "who made you" in input or "created you" in input:
            speak = "I have been created by Sheetansh Kumar."
        elif "geeksforgeeks" in input:# just
            speak = """Geeks for Geeks is the Best Online Coding Platform for learning."""
        elif "calculate" in input.lower():
            # write your wolframalpha app_id here
            app_id = "WOLFRAMALPHA_APP_ID" 
            client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id)
            indx = input.lower().split().index('calculate')
            query = input.split()[indx + 1:]
            res = client.query(' '.join(query))
            answer = next(res.results).text
            assistant_speaks("The answer is " + answer)
        elif 'open' in input:
            # another function to open 
            # different application availaible
            assistant_speaks("I can search the web for you, Do you want to continue?")
            ans = get_audio()
            if 'yes' in str(ans) or 'yeah' in str(ans):
    except :
        assistant_speaks("I don't understand, I can search the web for you, Do you want to continue?")
        ans = get_audio()
        if 'yes' in str(ans) or 'yeah' in str(ans):



search_web只是一个使用selenium包进行处理的网络爬虫。它可以搜索googlewikipedia并可以打开YouTube 。您只需要说包含名称,它就会在 Firefox 浏览器中打开它。对于其他浏览器,您需要在selenium中安装适当的浏览器包。这里我们使用 Firefox 的 webdriver。

open_application只是一个使用os 包打开系统中存在的应用程序的函数。

def search_web(input):
    driver = webdriver.Firefox()
    if 'youtube' in input.lower():
        assistant_speaks("Opening in youtube")
        indx = input.lower().split().index('youtube')
        query = input.split()[indx + 1:]
        driver.get("http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query =" + '+'.join(query))
    elif 'wikipedia' in input.lower():
        assistant_speaks("Opening Wikipedia")
        indx = input.lower().split().index('wikipedia')
        query = input.split()[indx + 1:]
        driver.get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + '_'.join(query))
        if 'google' in input:
            indx = input.lower().split().index('google')
            query = input.split()[indx + 1:]
            driver.get("https://www.google.com/search?q =" + '+'.join(query))
        elif 'search' in input:
            indx = input.lower().split().index('google')
            query = input.split()[indx + 1:]
            driver.get("https://www.google.com/search?q =" + '+'.join(query))
            driver.get("https://www.google.com/search?q =" + '+'.join(input.split()))
# function used to open application
# present inside the system.
def open_application(input):
    if "chrome" in input:
        assistant_speaks("Google Chrome")
        os.startfile('C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe')
    elif "firefox" in input or "mozilla" in input:
        assistant_speaks("Opening Mozilla Firefox")
        os.startfile('C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe')
    elif "word" in input:
        assistant_speaks("Opening Microsoft Word")
        os.startfile('C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2013\\Word 2013.lnk')
    elif "excel" in input:
        assistant_speaks("Opening Microsoft Excel")
        os.startfile('C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2013\\Excel 2013.lnk')
        assistant_speaks("Application not available")


1. Say "Search google Geeks for Geeks"
2. Say "Play Youtube your favourite song"
3. Say "Wikipedia Dhoni"
4. Say "Open Microsoft Word"
5. Say "Calculate anything you want"


