📜  C++中的正向列表和对列表以及示例

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:39.402000             🧑  作者: Mango



STL中的前向列表实现了单链表。从 C++11 引入,前向列表在插入、删除和移动操作(如排序)方面比其他容器更有用,并且允许时间常数插入和删除元素。它与列表的不同之处在于,前向列表仅跟踪下一个元素的位置,而列表同时跟踪下一个和前一个元素,从而增加了存储每个元素所需的存储空间。前向列表的缺点是它不能向后迭代,并且它的各个元素不能直接访问。当只需要前向遍历时,前向列表优于列表(就像单链表优于双向链表一样),因为我们可以节省空间。一些示例情况是,散列中的链接,图的邻接表表示等。


  • push_front():该函数用于在前向列表的第一个位置插入元素。该函数的值被复制到容器中第一个元素之前的空间。前向列表的大小增加 1。
  • pop_front():该函数用于删除列表的第一个元素。


列表是允许非连续内存分配的序列容器。与向量相比,列表的遍历速度较慢,但一旦找到位置,插入和删除都很快。通常,当我们说 List 时,我们谈论的是双向链表。为了实现单链表,我们使用前向列表。


  • front():返回列表中第一个元素的值。
  • back():返回列表中最后一个元素的值。
  • push_front(x):在列表的开头添加一个新元素“x”。
  • push_back(x):在列表末尾添加一个新元素“x”。


容器是在 标头中定义的简单容器,由两个数据元素或对象组成。在一对中,第一个对象用“first”引用,第二个对象用“second”引用,顺序固定为 {first, second}。

语法 1:

语法 2:



示例 1:

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print forward
// list elements
void print(forward_list >&
  cout << "Forward List : " << '\n';
  for (auto currentPair : forwardListOfPairs)
    // Each element of the forwardList is
    // a pair itself
    pair currentpair = currentPair;
    cout << "[ ";
    // Printing pair contents
    cout << currentPair.first << ' ' <<
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
// Driver code
int main()
  // Declaring a forward list of pairs
  forward_list >
  // Declaring a pair
  pair pair1;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair1 = make_pair(11, 22);
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the forward list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair2;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair2 = make_pair(33, 44);
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the forward list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair3;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair3 = make_pair(55, 66);
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the forward list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair4;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair4 = make_pair(77, 88);
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the forward list
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print list
// contents
void print(forward_list >&
  cout << "Forward List : " << '\n';
  for (auto currentPair : forwardListOfPairs)
    // Each element of the forward list is
    // a pair itself
    pair currentpair = currentPair;
    cout << "[ ";
    // Printing pair elements
    cout << "First: " << currentPair.first <<
            " and " << "Second: " <<
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
// Driver code
int main()
  // Declaring a forward list of pairs
  forward_list >
  // Declaring a pair
  pair pair1;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair1 = make_pair(1, "Geeks");
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the forwardList
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair2;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair2 = make_pair(2, "for");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the forward list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair3;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair3 = make_pair(3, "Geeks");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the forwardList
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair4;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair4 = make_pair(4, "C++");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the forwardList
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print list
// contents
void print(list >&
  cout << "List : " << '\n';
  for (auto currentPair : listOfPairs)
    // Each element of the list is
    // a pair itself
    pair currentpair = currentPair;
    cout << "[ ";
    // Printing pair elements
    cout << "First: " << currentPair.first <<
            " and " << "Second: " <<
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
// Driver code
int main()
  // Declaring a list of pairs
  list > listOfPairs;
  // Declaring a pair
  pair pair1;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair1 = make_pair(11, 22);
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair2;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair2 = make_pair(33, 44);
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair3;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair3 = make_pair(55, 66);
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair4;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair4 = make_pair(77, 88);
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the list
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print list
// contents
void print(list >&
  cout << "List : " << '\n';
  for (auto currentPair : listOfPairs)
    // Each element of the forwardList is
    // a pair itself
    pair currentpair = currentPair;
    cout << "[ ";
    // Printing pair contents
    cout << "First: " << currentPair.first <<
            " and " << "Second: " <<
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
// Driver code
int main()
  // Declaring a list of pairs
  list > listOfPairs;
  // Declaring a pair
  pair pair1;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair1 = make_pair(1, "Geeks");
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair2;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair2 = make_pair(2, "for");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair3;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair3 = make_pair(3, "Geeks");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair4;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair4 = make_pair(4, "C++");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the list
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

Forward List : 
[ 77 88]
[ 55 66]
[ 33 44]
[ 11 22]

示例 2:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print list
// contents
void print(forward_list >&
  cout << "Forward List : " << '\n';
  for (auto currentPair : forwardListOfPairs)
    // Each element of the forward list is
    // a pair itself
    pair currentpair = currentPair;
    cout << "[ ";
    // Printing pair elements
    cout << "First: " << currentPair.first <<
            " and " << "Second: " <<
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
// Driver code
int main()
  // Declaring a forward list of pairs
  forward_list >
  // Declaring a pair
  pair pair1;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair1 = make_pair(1, "Geeks");
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the forwardList
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair2;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair2 = make_pair(2, "for");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the forward list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair3;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair3 = make_pair(3, "Geeks");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the forwardList
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair4;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair4 = make_pair(4, "C++");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the forwardList
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

Forward List : 
[ First: 4 and Second: C++]
[ First: 3 and Second: Geeks]
[ First: 2 and Second: for]
[ First: 1 and Second: Geeks]



示例 1:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print list
// contents
void print(list >&
  cout << "List : " << '\n';
  for (auto currentPair : listOfPairs)
    // Each element of the list is
    // a pair itself
    pair currentpair = currentPair;
    cout << "[ ";
    // Printing pair elements
    cout << "First: " << currentPair.first <<
            " and " << "Second: " <<
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
// Driver code
int main()
  // Declaring a list of pairs
  list > listOfPairs;
  // Declaring a pair
  pair pair1;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair1 = make_pair(11, 22);
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair2;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair2 = make_pair(33, 44);
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair3;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair3 = make_pair(55, 66);
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair4;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair4 = make_pair(77, 88);
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the list
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

List : 
[ First: 55 and Second: 66]
[ First: 11 and Second: 22]
[ First: 33 and Second: 44]
[ First: 77 and Second: 88]

示例 2:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print list
// contents
void print(list >&
  cout << "List : " << '\n';
  for (auto currentPair : listOfPairs)
    // Each element of the forwardList is
    // a pair itself
    pair currentpair = currentPair;
    cout << "[ ";
    // Printing pair contents
    cout << "First: " << currentPair.first <<
            " and " << "Second: " <<
    cout << ']';
    cout << '\n';
// Driver code
int main()
  // Declaring a list of pairs
  list > listOfPairs;
  // Declaring a pair
  pair pair1;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair1 = make_pair(1, "Geeks");
  // Push the pair at the back
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair2;
  // Initializing the
  // pair
  pair2 = make_pair(2, "for");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair3;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair3 = make_pair(3, "Geeks");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the list
  // Declaring another pair
  pair pair4;
  // Initializing the pair
  pair4 = make_pair(4, "C++");
  // Push the pair at the front
  // in the list
  // Calling print function
  return 0;

List : 
[ First: 4 and Second: C++]
[ First: 3 and Second: Geeks]
[ First: 2 and Second: for]
[ First: 1 and Second: Geeks]