📜  Node.js 新的 Console() 方法

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:52.530000             🧑  作者: Mango

Node.js 新的 Console() 方法

控制台模块提供了一个简单的调试控制台,由导出两个特定组件的 Web 浏览器提供:

  • 一个控制台类,可用于写入任何 Node.js 流。示例: console.log()console.error()等。
  • 无需导入控制台即可使用的全局控制台。示例: process.stdout、process.stderr等。

新的 Console() (在 v8.0.0 中添加)方法是“console”模块的内置应用程序编程接口,它创建一个具有单个或多个可写流实例的新控制台,其中stdout是可写流, stderr用于警告错误输出。如果未提供stderr ,则 stdout 用于stderr 。它是一个控制台,其输出被发送到process.stdoutprocess.stderr



new Console(options);


const options = { 
   stdout: writableStream, 
   stderr: writableStream, 
   ignoreErrors: true, 

为了使用这个方法,我们需要使用( new Console() )方法创建一个控制台,我们需要导入' console '和' fs '模块。

const console = require('console');
const fs = require('fs');  


options < Object > 它可能在选项对象中有以下元素。

  • stdout < stream.Writable > 它接受从 fs 模块导入的写入流。
  • stderr < stream.Writable > 它还接受从 fs 模块导入的写入流。
  • ignoreErrors < boolean > 传递的默认值为true 。它在写入底层流时忽略错误。
  • colorMode <布尔值> | < 字符串 > 传递的默认值是' auto '。它用于设置仅支持此控制台实例的颜色。它可以根据设置的颜色模式设置为真、假或“自动”。
  • inspectOptions < Object > 它指定传递给util.inspect()的选项 方法。
  • groupIndentation < number > 默认值设置为2。用于设置组缩进。

返回值:它的输出被发送到由 fs 模块通过创建的process.stdoutprocess.stderr文件。

下面的示例说明了在 Node.js 中使用新的 Console(options)方法。

示例 1:文件名:index.js

// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// new Console() method
// Using require to access fs module
const fs = require('fs');
// Using require to access console module
const { Console } = require('console');
// Creating write Stream
const output = fs.createWriteStream('./out.log');
const errorOutput = fs.createWriteStream('./err.log');
const options = { stdout: output, stderr: errorOutput,
ignoreErrors: true, colorMode: false };
const logger = new Console(options);
const count = 5;
// Using like console
logger.log('count: %d', count);
console.log("Successfully created and logged via console...", )

// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// new Console() method
// Using require to access fs module
const fs = require('fs');
// Using require to access console module
const console = require('console');
const { Console } = console;
try {
 // Creating write Stream
 const output = fs.createWriteStream('./outputlog.txt');
 const error = fs.createWriteStream('./errlog.txt');
 // Creating new Console
 const objLogger   = new Console(
    { stdout: output, stderr: error,
     ignoreErrors: true, colorMode: true }
 // Custom write Stream
 const outt = fs.createWriteStream('./output.log');
 const err = fs.createWriteStream('./error.log');
 // Another way to create console
 // (default values are passed to options)
 const logObject = new console.Console(outt, err);
 // Creating family object
 var family = {};
 family.Head = 'Miss Sanno';
 family.headDesignation = 'Teacher';
 family.Member1 = 'Miss Sanchi';
 family.member1Designation = 'Kid';
 family.Member2 = 'Master Amit';
 family.member2Designation = 'Student';
 // Creating constant value count
 const count = 25+75*5-5/2;
 // Writing via console
 objLogger.log('Family: %s', family);
 // Printing Family Object to console
 console.log('Family Stream Created: ', family);
 // Writing via console
 logObject.log('Count: %s', count);
 // Printing count to console
 console.log('Count Stream Created: ', count);
 // console.log(logObject.family.error)
catch {
  console.error(new Error(
    'Oops, some error happened in family...'));
  // Prints: [Error: Oops, some error
  // happened in family...], to stderr


node index.js


示例 2:文件名:index.js


// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// new Console() method
// Using require to access fs module
const fs = require('fs');
// Using require to access console module
const console = require('console');
const { Console } = console;
try {
 // Creating write Stream
 const output = fs.createWriteStream('./outputlog.txt');
 const error = fs.createWriteStream('./errlog.txt');
 // Creating new Console
 const objLogger   = new Console(
    { stdout: output, stderr: error,
     ignoreErrors: true, colorMode: true }
 // Custom write Stream
 const outt = fs.createWriteStream('./output.log');
 const err = fs.createWriteStream('./error.log');
 // Another way to create console
 // (default values are passed to options)
 const logObject = new console.Console(outt, err);
 // Creating family object
 var family = {};
 family.Head = 'Miss Sanno';
 family.headDesignation = 'Teacher';
 family.Member1 = 'Miss Sanchi';
 family.member1Designation = 'Kid';
 family.Member2 = 'Master Amit';
 family.member2Designation = 'Student';
 // Creating constant value count
 const count = 25+75*5-5/2;
 // Writing via console
 objLogger.log('Family: %s', family);
 // Printing Family Object to console
 console.log('Family Stream Created: ', family);
 // Writing via console
 logObject.log('Count: %s', count);
 // Printing count to console
 console.log('Count Stream Created: ', count);
 // console.log(logObject.family.error)
catch {
  console.error(new Error(
    'Oops, some error happened in family...'));
  // Prints: [Error: Oops, some error
  // happened in family...], to stderr


node index.js


参考: https://nodejs.org/api/console.html#console_new_console_options