📜  Python| time.gmtime() 方法

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:43.626000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python| time.gmtime() 方法

Python中的时间模块提供了各种与时间相关的功能。该模块属于 Python 的标准实用程序模块。

Time 模块time.gmtime()方法用于将自纪元以来以秒表示的时间转换为 UTC 中的time.struct_time对象,其中tm_isdst属性始终为 0。


0tm_year(for example, 1993)
1tm_monrange [1, 12]
2tm_mdayrange [1, 31]
3tm_hourrange [0, 23]
4tm_minrange [0, 59]
5tm_secrange [0, 61]
6tm_wdayrange [0, 6], Monday is 0
7tm_ydayrange [1, 366]
8tm_isdst0, 1 or -1
N/Atm_zoneabbreviation of timezone name
N/Atm_gmtoffoffset east of UTC in seconds

代码 #1:使用time.gmtime()方法

# Python program to explain time.gmtime() method
# importing time module
import time
# If secs parameter
# is not given then
# the current time  
# as returned by time.time() method
# is used
# Convert the current time in seconds
# since the epoch to a
# time.struct_time object in UTC
obj = time.gmtime()
# Print the time.struct.time object

# Python program to explain time.gmtime() method
# importing time module
import time
# Time in seconds
# since the epoch
secs = 40000
# Convert the given time in seconds
# since the epoch to a
# time.struct_time object in UTC
# using time.gmtime() method
obj = time.gmtime(secs)
# Print the time.struct_time object
print("time.struct_time object for seconds =", secs)
# Time in seconds
# since the epoch
secs = 40000.7856
# Convert the given time in seconds
# since the epoch to a
# time.struct_time object in UTC
# using time.gmtime() method
obj = time.gmtime(secs)
# Print the time.struct_time object
print("\ntime.struct_time object for seconds =", secs)
# Output for sec = 40000 
# and secs = 40000.7856
# will be same because
# fractions in 40000.7856
# i.e .7856 will be ignored

time.struct_time(tm_year=2019, tm_mon=8, tm_mday=22, tm_hour=3, tm_min=53,
tm_sec=32, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=234, tm_isdst=0)

代码 #2:使用time.gmtime()方法


# Python program to explain time.gmtime() method
# importing time module
import time
# Time in seconds
# since the epoch
secs = 40000
# Convert the given time in seconds
# since the epoch to a
# time.struct_time object in UTC
# using time.gmtime() method
obj = time.gmtime(secs)
# Print the time.struct_time object
print("time.struct_time object for seconds =", secs)
# Time in seconds
# since the epoch
secs = 40000.7856
# Convert the given time in seconds
# since the epoch to a
# time.struct_time object in UTC
# using time.gmtime() method
obj = time.gmtime(secs)
# Print the time.struct_time object
print("\ntime.struct_time object for seconds =", secs)
# Output for sec = 40000 
# and secs = 40000.7856
# will be same because
# fractions in 40000.7856
# i.e .7856 will be ignored
time.struct_time object for seconds = 40000
time.struct_time(tm_year=1970, tm_mon=1, tm_mday=1, tm_hour=11, tm_min=6,
tm_sec=40, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=1, tm_isdst=0)

time.struct_time object for seconds = 40000.7856
time.struct_time(tm_year=1970, tm_mon=1, tm_mday=1, tm_hour=11, tm_min=6,
tm_sec=40, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=1, tm_isdst=0)

参考: https://docs。 Python.org/3/library/time.html#time.gmtime