📜  Scala 中的类型转换

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:47.451000             🧑  作者: Mango

Scala 中的类型转换

类型转换基本上是从一种类型到另一种类型的转换。在像 Scala 这样的动态编程语言中,经常需要将类型转换为另一种类型。Scala 中的类型转换是使用asInstanceOf[]方法完成的。

asInstanceof 方法的应用
  • 在从应用程序上下文文件中显示 bean 时需要此透视图。
  • 它还用于转换数字类型。
  • 它甚至可以应用于复杂的代码,例如与Java通信并向其发送 Object 实例数组。

在这里,只有扩展(子)类的对象可以转换为其父类的对象,反之则不行。如果 A 类扩展 B 类,则 A 的对象可以转换为 B 类的对象,而 B 的对象不能转换为 A 类的对象。此方法通知编译器该值是指定的类型。在运行时,如果提供的值/对象与指定的类型或类不兼容,则会引发异常。


// Scala program of type casting
object GFG
    // Function to display name, value and
    // class-name of a variable
    def display[A](y:String, x:A)
        println(y + " = " + x + " is of type " +
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        var i:Int = 40;
        var f:Float = 6.0F;
        var d:Double = 85.2;
        var c:Char = 'c';
        display("i", i);
        display("f", f);
        display("d", d);
        display("c", c);
        var i1 = i.asInstanceOf[Char]; //Casting
        var f1 = f.asInstanceOf[Double]; //Casting
        var d1 = d.asInstanceOf[Float]; //Casting
        var c1 = c.asInstanceOf[Int]; //Casting
        display("i1", i1);
        display("f1", f1);
        display("d1", d1);
        display("c1", c1);

// Scala program of type casting
// The parent class
class Parent
    var i: Int = 10;
    var j: Int = 5;
    // Function to display i and j values
    def display()
        println("Value of i : " + i +
                "\nValue of j : " + j);
// The child class
class Child extends Parent
    // Used to change i and j values
    def change()
        i = 6;
        j = 12;
        println("Values Changed");
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        var c:Child = new Child();
        // Casting
        var p:Parent = c.asInstanceOf[Parent];
        /* p.change(); This will have raised an error
        as p is seen as an object of class Parent and
        Parent does not contain change() */

// Scala program of type casting
class Parent
    // Member variables and functions.    
class Child extends Parent
    // Member variables and functions.    
class Unrelated
    // Member variables and functions.    
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        var p:Parent = new Parent();
            // Used to print the thrown exception.
            case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace();
            // Used to print the thrown exception.
            case e1: Exception => e1.printStackTrace();


i = 40 is of type java.lang.Integer
f = 6.0 is of type java.lang.Float
d = 85.2 is of type java.lang.Double
c = c is of type java.lang.Character
i1 = ( is of type java.lang.Character
f1 = 6.0 is of type java.lang.Double
d1 = 85.2 is of type java.lang.Float
c1 = 99 is of type java.lang.Integer



// Scala program of type casting
// The parent class
class Parent
    var i: Int = 10;
    var j: Int = 5;
    // Function to display i and j values
    def display()
        println("Value of i : " + i +
                "\nValue of j : " + j);
// The child class
class Child extends Parent
    // Used to change i and j values
    def change()
        i = 6;
        j = 12;
        println("Values Changed");
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        var c:Child = new Child();
        // Casting
        var p:Parent = c.asInstanceOf[Parent];
        /* p.change(); This will have raised an error
        as p is seen as an object of class Parent and
        Parent does not contain change() */


Value of i : 10
Value of j : 5
Values Changed
Value of i : 6
Value of j : 12

在上面的例子中 p.change();将被添加,将发生以下错误:

error:value change is not a member of parent.



// Scala program of type casting
class Parent
    // Member variables and functions.    
class Child extends Parent
    // Member variables and functions.    
class Unrelated
    // Member variables and functions.    
// Creating object
object GFG
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String])
        var p:Parent = new Parent();
            // Used to print the thrown exception.
            case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace();
            // Used to print the thrown exception.
            case e1: Exception => e1.printStackTrace();


java.lang.ClassCastException: Parent cannot be cast to Unrelated
java.lang.ClassCastException: Parent cannot be cast to Child