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📜  查找两个字符串的不常见字符

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-27 09:18:14             🧑  作者: Mango

资料来源:亚马逊面试体验 | 355套(1年经验)

时间复杂度:需要 O(n^2) 和额外的来处理重复项。

  • 对所有小写字符使用大小为 26 的哈希表。
  • 最初,将每个字符的存在标记为“0”(表示该字符不存在于两个字符串)。
  • 遍历第一个字符串,并将哈希表中第一个字符串的每个字符的存在标记为“1”(表示第一个字符串)。
  • 现在,遍历第二个字符串。对于 2nd 字符串 的每个字符,检查它在哈希表中的存在是否为“1”。如果它是“1”,则将其存在标记为“-1”(表示该字符对两个字符串是共同的),否则将其存在标记为“2”(表示第二个字符串)。



// C++ implementation to find the uncommon
// characters of the two strings
using namespace std;
// size of the hash table
const int MAX_CHAR = 26;
// function to find the uncommon characters
// of the two strings
void findAndPrintUncommonChars(string str1, string str2)
    // mark presence of each character as 0
    // in the hash table 'present[]'
    int present[MAX_CHAR];
    for (int i=0; i

// Java implementation to find the uncommon
// characters of the two strings
class GFG
    // size of the hash table
    static int MAX_CHAR = 26;
    // function to find the uncommon
    // characters of the two strings
    static void findAndPrintUncommonChars(String str1,
                                       String str2)
        // mark presence of each character as 0
        // in the hash table 'present[]'
        int present[] = new int[MAX_CHAR];
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
            present[i] = 0;
        int l1 = str1.length();
        int l2 = str2.length();
        // for each character of str1, mark its
        // presence as 1 in 'present[]'
        for (int i = 0; i < l1; i++)
            present[str1.charAt(i) - 'a'] = 1;
        // for each character of str2
        for (int i = 0; i < l2; i++)
            // if a character of str2 is also present
            // in str1, then mark its presence as -1
            if (present[str2.charAt(i) - 'a'] == 1
                || present[str2.charAt(i) - 'a'] == -1)
                present[str2.charAt(i) - 'a'] = -1;
            // else mark its presence as 2
                present[str2.charAt(i) - 'a'] = 2;
        // print all the uncommon characters
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
            if (present[i] == 1 || present[i] == 2)
                System.out.print((char) (i + 'a') + " ");
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String str1 = "characters";
        String str2 = "alphabets";
        findAndPrintUncommonChars(str1, str2);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-JI

Python 3
# Python 3 implementation to find the
# uncommon characters of the two strings
# size of the hash table
# function to find the uncommon characters
# of the two strings
def findAndPrintUncommonChars(str1, str2):
    # mark presence of each character as 0
    # in the hash table 'present[]'
    present = [0] * MAX_CHAR
    for i in range(0, MAX_CHAR):
        present[i] = 0
    l1 = len(str1)
    l2 = len(str2)
    # for each character of str1, mark its
    # presence as 1 in 'present[]'
    for i in range(0, l1):
        present[ord(str1[i]) - ord('a')] = 1
    # for each character of str2
    for i in range(0, l2):
        # if a character of str2 is also present
        # in str1, then mark its presence as -1
        if(present[ord(str2[i]) - ord('a')] == 1 or
           present[ord(str2[i]) - ord('a')] == -1):
            present[ord(str2[i]) - ord('a')] = -1
        # else mark its presence as 2
            present[ord(str2[i]) - ord('a')] = 2
    # print all the uncommon characters
    for i in range(0, MAX_CHAR):
        if(present[i] == 1 or present[i] == 2):
            print(chr(i + ord('a')), end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    str1 = "characters"
    str2 = "alphabets"
    findAndPrintUncommonChars(str1, str2)
# This code is contributed
# by Sairahul099

// C# implementation to find the uncommon
// characters of the two strings
using System;
class GFG
    // size of the hash table
    static int MAX_CHAR = 26;
    // function to find the uncommon
    // characters of the two strings
    static void findAndPrintUncommonChars(String str1,
                                    String str2)
        // mark presence of each character as 0
        // in the hash table 'present[]'
        int []present = new int[MAX_CHAR];
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
            present[i] = 0;
        int l1 = str1.Length;
        int l2 = str2.Length;
        // for each character of str1, mark its
        // presence as 1 in 'present[]'
        for (int i = 0; i < l1; i++)
            present[str1[i] - 'a'] = 1;
        // for each character of str2
        for (int i = 0; i < l2; i++)
            // if a character of str2 is also present
            // in str1, then mark its presence as -1
            if (present[str2[i] - 'a'] == 1
                || present[str2[i] - 'a'] == -1)
                present[str2[i] - 'a'] = -1;
            // else mark its presence as 2
                present[str2[i] - 'a'] = 2;
        // print all the uncommon characters
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
            if (present[i] == 1 || present[i] == 2)
                Console.Write((char) (i + 'a') + " ");
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        String str1 = "characters";
        String str2 = "alphabets";
        findAndPrintUncommonChars(str1, str2);
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992



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