📜  给定一个单词序列,一起打印所有字谜 |设置 1

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-27 08:07:36             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一组单词,一起打印所有字谜。例如,如果给定的数组是 {“cat”, “dog”, “tac”, “god”, “act”},那么输出可能是“cat tac act dog god”。




"cat", "dog", "tac", "god", "act"

1)创建两个辅助数组 index[] 和 words[]。将所有给定的单词复制到 words[] 并将原始索引存储在 index[] 中

index[]:  0   1   2   3   4
words[]: cat dog tac god act


index[]:   0    1    2    3    4
words[]:  act  dgo  act  dgo  act

3)对words数组进行排序。使用 strcmp() 比较单个单词进行排序

index:     0    2    4    1    3
words[]:  act  act  act  dgo  dgo

4)所有的字谜组合在一起。但是单词在 words 数组中发生了变化。要打印原始单词,请从索引数组中获取索引并在原始数组中使用它。我们得到

"cat tac act dog god"

以下是上述算法的实现。在下面的程序中,使用结构体“Word”的数组来存储索引和单词数组。 DupArray 是另一种存储结构“Word”数组的结构。

// A C++ program to print all anagarms together
using namespace std;
// structure for each word of duplicate array
class Word {
    char* str; // to store word itself
    int index; // index of the word in the original array
// structure to represent duplicate array.
class DupArray {
    Word* array; // Array of words
    int size; // Size of array
// Create a DupArray object that contains an array of Words
DupArray* createDupArray(char* str[], int size)
    // Allocate memory for dupArray and all members of it
    DupArray* dupArray = new DupArray();
    dupArray->size = size;
    dupArray->array = new Word[(dupArray->size * sizeof(Word))];
    // One by one copy words from the given wordArray to dupArray
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        dupArray->array[i].index = i;
        dupArray->array[i].str = new char[(strlen(str[i]) + 1)];
        strcpy(dupArray->array[i].str, str[i]);
    return dupArray;
// Compare two characters. Used in qsort() for
// sorting an array of characters (Word)
int compChar(const void* a, const void* b)
    return *(char*)a - *(char*)b;
// Compare two words. Used in qsort()
// for sorting an array of words
int compStr(const void* a, const void* b)
    Word* a1 = (Word*)a;
    Word* b1 = (Word*)b;
    return strcmp(a1->str, b1->str);
// Given a list of words in wordArr[],
void printAnagramsTogether(char* wordArr[], int size)
    // Step 1: Create a copy of all words present in given wordArr.
    // The copy will also have original indexes of words
    DupArray* dupArray = createDupArray(wordArr, size);
    // Step 2: Iterate through all words in dupArray and sort
    // individual words.
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
              strlen(dupArray->array[i].str), sizeof(char), compChar);
    // Step 3: Now sort the array of words in dupArray
    qsort(dupArray->array, size, sizeof(dupArray->array[0]), compStr);
    // Step 4: Now all words in dupArray are together, but these
    // words are changed. Use the index member of word struct to
    // get the corresponding original word
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        cout << wordArr[dupArray->array[i].index] << " ";
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    char* wordArr[] = { "cat", "dog", "tac", "god", "act" };
    int size = sizeof(wordArr) / sizeof(wordArr[0]);
    printAnagramsTogether(wordArr, size);
    return 0;
// This is code is contributed by rathbhupendra

// A C program to print all anagarms together
// structure for each word of duplicate array
struct Word {
    char* str; // to store word itself
    int index; // index of the word in the original array
// structure to represent duplicate array.
struct DupArray {
    struct Word* array; // Array of words
    int size; // Size of array
// Create a DupArray object that contains an array of Words
struct DupArray* createDupArray(char* str[], int size)
    // Allocate memory for dupArray and all members of it
    struct DupArray* dupArray = (struct DupArray*)malloc(sizeof(struct DupArray));
    dupArray->size = size;
    dupArray->array = (struct Word*)malloc(dupArray->size * sizeof(struct Word));
    // One by one copy words from the given wordArray to dupArray
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        dupArray->array[i].index = i;
        dupArray->array[i].str = (char*)malloc(strlen(str[i]) + 1);
        strcpy(dupArray->array[i].str, str[i]);
    return dupArray;
// Compare two characters. Used in qsort() for sorting an array of
// characters (Word)
int compChar(const void* a, const void* b)
    return *(char*)a - *(char*)b;
// Compare two words. Used in qsort() for sorting an array of words
int compStr(const void* a, const void* b)
    struct Word* a1 = (struct Word*)a;
    struct Word* b1 = (struct Word*)b;
    return strcmp(a1->str, b1->str);
// Given a list of words in wordArr[],
void printAnagramsTogether(char* wordArr[], int size)
    // Step 1: Create a copy of all words present in given wordArr.
    // The copy will also have original indexes of words
    struct DupArray* dupArray = createDupArray(wordArr, size);
    // Step 2: Iterate through all words in dupArray and sort
    // individual words.
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
              strlen(dupArray->array[i].str), sizeof(char), compChar);
    // Step 3: Now sort the array of words in dupArray
    qsort(dupArray->array, size, sizeof(dupArray->array[0]), compStr);
    // Step 4: Now all words in dupArray are together, but these
    // words are changed. Use the index member of word struct to
    // get the corresponding original word
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        printf("%s ", wordArr[dupArray->array[i].index]);
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    char* wordArr[] = { "cat", "dog", "tac", "god", "act" };
    int size = sizeof(wordArr) / sizeof(wordArr[0]);
    printAnagramsTogether(wordArr, size);
    return 0;

// A Java program to print all anagrams together
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class GFG {
    // class for each word of duplicate array
    static class Word {
        String str; // to store word itself
        int index; // index of the word in the
        // original array
        // constructor
        Word(String str, int index)
            this.str = str;
            this.index = index;
    // class to represent duplicate array.
    static class DupArray {
        Word[] array; // Array of words
        int size; // Size of array
        // constructor
        public DupArray(String str[], int size)
            this.size = size;
            array = new Word[size];
            // One by one copy words from the
            // given wordArray to dupArray
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
                // create a word Object with the
                // str[i] as str and index as i
                array[i] = new Word(str[i], i);
    // Compare two words. Used in Arrays.sort() for
    // sorting an array of words
    static class compStr implements Comparator {
        public int compare(Word a, Word b)
            return a.str.compareTo(b.str);
    // Given a list of words in wordArr[],
    static void printAnagramsTogether(String wordArr[],
                                      int size)
        // Step 1: Create a copy of all words present
        // in given wordArr. The copy will also have
        // original indexes of words
        DupArray dupArray = new DupArray(wordArr, size);
        // Step 2: Iterate through all words in
        // dupArray and sort individual words.
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            char[] char_arr = dupArray.array[i].str.toCharArray();
            dupArray.array[i].str = new String(char_arr);
        // Step 3: Now sort the array of words in
        // dupArray
        Arrays.sort(dupArray.array, new compStr());
        // Step 4: Now all words in dupArray are together,
        // but these words are changed. Use the index
        // member of word struct to get the corresponding
        // original word
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            System.out.print(wordArr[dupArray.array[i].index] + " ");
    // Driver program to test above functions
    public static void main(String args[])
        String wordArr[] = { "cat", "dog", "tac", "god", "act" };
        int size = wordArr.length;
        printAnagramsTogether(wordArr, size);
// This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh

# A Python program to print all anagarms together
# structure for each word of duplicate array
class Word(object):
    def __init__(self, string, index):
        self.string = string
        self.index = index
# Create a DupArray object that contains an array
# of Words
def createDupArray(string, size):
    dupArray = []
    # One by one copy words from the given wordArray
    # to dupArray
    for i in xrange(size):
        dupArray.append(Word(string[i], i))
    return dupArray
# Given a list of words in wordArr[]
def printAnagramsTogether(wordArr, size):
    # Step 1: Create a copy of all words present in
    # given wordArr.
    # The copy will also have original indexes of words
    dupArray = createDupArray(wordArr, size)
    # Step 2: Iterate through all words in dupArray and sort
    # individual words.
    for i in xrange(size):
        dupArray[i].string = ''.join(sorted(dupArray[i].string))
    # Step 3: Now sort the array of words in dupArray
    dupArray = sorted(dupArray, key = lambda k: k.string)
    # Step 4: Now all words in dupArray are together, but
    # these words are changed. Use the index member of word
    # struct to get the corresponding original word
    for word in dupArray:
        print wordArr[word.index],
# Driver program
wordArr = ["cat", "dog", "tac", "god", "act"]
size = len(wordArr)
printAnagramsTogether(wordArr, size)
# This code is contributed by BHAVYA JAIN

// C++ program to print anagrams
// together using dictionary
using namespace std;
void printAnagrams(string arr[], int size)
    unordered_map> map;
    // Loop over all words
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        // Convert to char array, sort and
        // then re-convert to string
        string word = arr[i];
        char letters[word.size() + 1];
        strcpy(letters, word.c_str());
        sort(letters, letters + word.size() + 1);
        string newWord = "";
        for(int i = 0; i < word.size() + 1; i++)
            newWord += letters[i];
        // Calculate hashcode of string
        // after sorting
        if (map.find(newWord) != map.end())
            // This is the first time we are
            // adding a word for a specific
            // hashcode
            vector words;
            map[newWord] = words;
    // Print all the values where size is > 1
    // If you want to print non-anagrams,
    // just print the values having size = 1
    unordered_map>::iterator it;
    for(it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++)
        vector values = map[it->first];
        if (values.size() > 1)
            cout << "[";
            for(int i = 0; i < values.size() - 1; i++)
                cout << values[i] << ", ";
            cout << values[values.size() - 1];
            cout << "]";
// Driver code
int main()
    string arr[] = { "cat", "dog", "tac",
                     "god", "act" };
    int size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    printAnagrams(arr, size);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Ankit Garg

// Java program to print anagrams
// together using dictionary
import java.util.*;
public class FindAnagrams {
    private static void printAnagrams(String arr[])
        HashMap > map = new HashMap<>();
        // loop over all words
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            // convert to char array, sort and
            // then re-convert to string
            String word = arr[i];
            char[] letters = word.toCharArray();
            String newWord = new String(letters);
            // calculate hashcode of string
            // after sorting
            if (map.containsKey(newWord)) {
            else {
                // This is the first time we are
                // adding a word for a specific
                // hashcode
                List words = new ArrayList<>();
                map.put(newWord, words);
        // print all the values where size is > 1
        // If you want to print non-anagrams,
        // just print the values having size = 1
        for (String s : map.keySet()) {
            List values = map.get(s);
            if (values.size() > 1) {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Driver program
        String arr[] = { "cat", "dog", "tac", "god", "act" };

from collections import defaultdict
def printAnagramsTogether(words):
    groupedWords = defaultdict(list)
    # Put all anagram words together in a dictionary
    # where key is sorted word
    for word in words:
    # Print all anagrams together
    for group in groupedWords.values():
        print(" ".join(group))     
if __name__ == "__main__":  
    arr =  ["cat", "dog", "tac", "god", "act"] 

// C# program to print anagrams
// together using dictionary
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    private static void printAnagrams(String[] arr)
        Dictionary >
            map = new Dictionary >();
        // loop over all words
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
            // convert to char array, sort and
            // then re-convert to string
            String word = arr[i];
            char[] letters = word.ToCharArray();
            String newWord = new String(letters);
            // calculate hashcode of string
            // after sorting
            if (map.ContainsKey(newWord)) {
            else {
                // This is the first time we are
                // adding a word for a specific
                // hashcode
                List words = new List();
                map.Add(newWord, words);
        // print all the values where size is > 1
        // If you want to print non-anagrams,
        // just print the values having size = 1
        List value = new List();
        foreach(KeyValuePair >
                    entry in map)
        int k = 0;
        foreach(KeyValuePair >
                    entry in map)
            List values = map[value[k++]];
            if (values.Count > 1) {
                int len = 1;
                foreach(String s in values)
                    if (len++ < values.Count)
                        Console.Write(", ");
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        String[] arr = { "cat", "dog", "tac",
                         "god", "act" };
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh

// C++ code to print all anagrams together
using namespace std;
void solver(vector my_list)
    // Inner hashmap counts frequency
    // of characters in a string.
    // Outer hashmap for if same
    // frequency characters are present in
    // in a string then it will add it to
    // the vector.
    map, vector> my_map;
    // Loop over all words
    for(string str : my_list)
        // Counting the frequency of the
        // characters present in a string
        map temp_map;
        vector temp_my_list;
        for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)
        // If the same frequency of chanracters
        // are alraedy present then add that
        // string into that arraylist otherwise
        // created a new arraylist and add that
        // string
        auto it = my_map.find(temp_map);
        if (it != my_map.end())
            my_map.insert({ temp_map, temp_my_list });
    // Stores the result in a vector
    vector> result;
    for(auto it = my_map.begin();
             it != my_map.end(); ++it)
    for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i)
          cout << "[";
        for(int j = 0; j < result[i].size(); ++j)
            cout << result[i][j] << ", ";
          cout << "]";
// Driver code
int main()
    vector my_list = { "cat", "dog", "ogd",
                               "god", "atc" };
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by
// Apurba Kumar Gorai(coolapurba05)

// Java code tp print all anagrams together
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class FindAnagrams {
    private static ArrayList >
        ArrayList list)
        // Inner hashmap counts frequency
        // of characters in a string.
        // Outer hashmap for if same
        // frequency characters are present in
        // in a string then it will add it to
        // the arraylist.
                ArrayList >
            map = new HashMap,
                              ArrayList >();
        for (String str : list) {
                tempMap = new HashMap();
            // Counting the frequency of the
            // characters present in a string
            for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
                if (tempMap.containsKey(str.charAt(i))) {
                    int x = tempMap.get(str.charAt(i));
                    tempMap.put(str.charAt(i), ++x);
                else {
                    tempMap.put(str.charAt(i), 1);
            // If the same frequency of chanracters
            // are alraedy present then add that
            // string into that arraylist otherwise
            // created a new arraylist and add that string
            if (map.containsKey(tempMap))
            else {
                    tempList = new ArrayList();
                map.put(tempMap, tempList);
        // Stores the result in a arraylist
        ArrayList >
            result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (HashMap
                 temp : map.keySet())
        return result;
    // Drivers Method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
// This code is contributed by Arijit Basu(ArijitXfx)

# Python code to print all anagrams together
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
user_input = ["cat", "dog", "tac", "edoc", "god", "tacact",
              "act", "code", "deno", "node", "ocde", "done", "catcat"]
def solve(words: list) -> list:
    # defaultdict will create a new list if the key is not found in the dictionary
    m = defaultdict(list)
    # loop over all the words
    for word in words:
        # Counter('cat') :
        #    counts the frequency of the characters present in a string
        #    >>> Counter({'c': 1, 'a': 1, 't': 1})
        # frozenset(dict(Counter('cat')).items()) :
        #    frozenset takes an iterable object as input and makes them immutable.
        #    So that hash(frozenset(Counter('cat'))) is equal to
        #   hash of other 'cat' anagrams
        #    >>> frozenset({('c', 1), ('a', 1), ('t', 1)})
    return [v for k, v in m.items()]
# This code is contributed by
# Rohan Kumar(@r0hnx)


cat tac act dog god 

时间复杂度:假设有 N 个单词,每个单词最多有 M 个字符。上限为 O(NMLogM + MNLogN)。
第 2 步需要 O(NMLogM) 时间。对单词进行排序最多需要 O(MLogM) 时间。所以排序 N 个单词需要 O(NMLogM) 时间。步骤 3 需要 O(MNLogN) 排序单词数组需要 NLogN 比较。比较可能需要最大 O(M) 时间。所以对单词数组进行排序的时间将是 O(MNLogN)。

最后,我们将打印哈希图中的所有值,其中值的大小将大于 1。


// C++ program to print anagrams
// together using dictionary
using namespace std;
void printAnagrams(string arr[], int size)
    unordered_map> map;
    // Loop over all words
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        // Convert to char array, sort and
        // then re-convert to string
        string word = arr[i];
        char letters[word.size() + 1];
        strcpy(letters, word.c_str());
        sort(letters, letters + word.size() + 1);
        string newWord = "";
        for(int i = 0; i < word.size() + 1; i++)
            newWord += letters[i];
        // Calculate hashcode of string
        // after sorting
        if (map.find(newWord) != map.end())
            // This is the first time we are
            // adding a word for a specific
            // hashcode
            vector words;
            map[newWord] = words;
    // Print all the values where size is > 1
    // If you want to print non-anagrams,
    // just print the values having size = 1
    unordered_map>::iterator it;
    for(it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++)
        vector values = map[it->first];
        if (values.size() > 1)
            cout << "[";
            for(int i = 0; i < values.size() - 1; i++)
                cout << values[i] << ", ";
            cout << values[values.size() - 1];
            cout << "]";
// Driver code
int main()
    string arr[] = { "cat", "dog", "tac",
                     "god", "act" };
    int size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    printAnagrams(arr, size);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Ankit Garg


// Java program to print anagrams
// together using dictionary
import java.util.*;
public class FindAnagrams {
    private static void printAnagrams(String arr[])
        HashMap > map = new HashMap<>();
        // loop over all words
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            // convert to char array, sort and
            // then re-convert to string
            String word = arr[i];
            char[] letters = word.toCharArray();
            String newWord = new String(letters);
            // calculate hashcode of string
            // after sorting
            if (map.containsKey(newWord)) {
            else {
                // This is the first time we are
                // adding a word for a specific
                // hashcode
                List words = new ArrayList<>();
                map.put(newWord, words);
        // print all the values where size is > 1
        // If you want to print non-anagrams,
        // just print the values having size = 1
        for (String s : map.keySet()) {
            List values = map.get(s);
            if (values.size() > 1) {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Driver program
        String arr[] = { "cat", "dog", "tac", "god", "act" };


from collections import defaultdict
def printAnagramsTogether(words):
    groupedWords = defaultdict(list)
    # Put all anagram words together in a dictionary
    # where key is sorted word
    for word in words:
    # Print all anagrams together
    for group in groupedWords.values():
        print(" ".join(group))     
if __name__ == "__main__":  
    arr =  ["cat", "dog", "tac", "god", "act"] 


// C# program to print anagrams
// together using dictionary
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    private static void printAnagrams(String[] arr)
        Dictionary >
            map = new Dictionary >();
        // loop over all words
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
            // convert to char array, sort and
            // then re-convert to string
            String word = arr[i];
            char[] letters = word.ToCharArray();
            String newWord = new String(letters);
            // calculate hashcode of string
            // after sorting
            if (map.ContainsKey(newWord)) {
            else {
                // This is the first time we are
                // adding a word for a specific
                // hashcode
                List words = new List();
                map.Add(newWord, words);
        // print all the values where size is > 1
        // If you want to print non-anagrams,
        // just print the values having size = 1
        List value = new List();
        foreach(KeyValuePair >
                    entry in map)
        int k = 0;
        foreach(KeyValuePair >
                    entry in map)
            List values = map[value[k++]];
            if (values.Count > 1) {
                int len = 1;
                foreach(String s in values)
                    if (len++ < values.Count)
                        Console.Write(", ");
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        String[] arr = { "cat", "dog", "tac",
                         "god", "act" };
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh

输出 :

[cat, tac, act][dog, god]

具有 O(NM) 解决方案的 HashMap
在这里,我们将采用 HashMap,内部 HashMap 将计算每个字符串的字符出现的频率,外部 HashMap 将检查该哈希图是否存在(如果存在),然后将该字符串添加到相应的列表中.


// C++ code to print all anagrams together
using namespace std;
void solver(vector my_list)
    // Inner hashmap counts frequency
    // of characters in a string.
    // Outer hashmap for if same
    // frequency characters are present in
    // in a string then it will add it to
    // the vector.
    map, vector> my_map;
    // Loop over all words
    for(string str : my_list)
        // Counting the frequency of the
        // characters present in a string
        map temp_map;
        vector temp_my_list;
        for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)
        // If the same frequency of chanracters
        // are alraedy present then add that
        // string into that arraylist otherwise
        // created a new arraylist and add that
        // string
        auto it = my_map.find(temp_map);
        if (it != my_map.end())
            my_map.insert({ temp_map, temp_my_list });
    // Stores the result in a vector
    vector> result;
    for(auto it = my_map.begin();
             it != my_map.end(); ++it)
    for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i)
          cout << "[";
        for(int j = 0; j < result[i].size(); ++j)
            cout << result[i][j] << ", ";
          cout << "]";
// Driver code
int main()
    vector my_list = { "cat", "dog", "ogd",
                               "god", "atc" };
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by
// Apurba Kumar Gorai(coolapurba05)


// Java code tp print all anagrams together
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class FindAnagrams {
    private static ArrayList >
        ArrayList list)
        // Inner hashmap counts frequency
        // of characters in a string.
        // Outer hashmap for if same
        // frequency characters are present in
        // in a string then it will add it to
        // the arraylist.
                ArrayList >
            map = new HashMap,
                              ArrayList >();
        for (String str : list) {
                tempMap = new HashMap();
            // Counting the frequency of the
            // characters present in a string
            for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
                if (tempMap.containsKey(str.charAt(i))) {
                    int x = tempMap.get(str.charAt(i));
                    tempMap.put(str.charAt(i), ++x);
                else {
                    tempMap.put(str.charAt(i), 1);
            // If the same frequency of chanracters
            // are alraedy present then add that
            // string into that arraylist otherwise
            // created a new arraylist and add that string
            if (map.containsKey(tempMap))
            else {
                    tempList = new ArrayList();
                map.put(tempMap, tempList);
        // Stores the result in a arraylist
        ArrayList >
            result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (HashMap
                 temp : map.keySet())
        return result;
    // Drivers Method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
// This code is contributed by Arijit Basu(ArijitXfx)


# Python code to print all anagrams together
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
user_input = ["cat", "dog", "tac", "edoc", "god", "tacact",
              "act", "code", "deno", "node", "ocde", "done", "catcat"]
def solve(words: list) -> list:
    # defaultdict will create a new list if the key is not found in the dictionary
    m = defaultdict(list)
    # loop over all the words
    for word in words:
        # Counter('cat') :
        #    counts the frequency of the characters present in a string
        #    >>> Counter({'c': 1, 'a': 1, 't': 1})
        # frozenset(dict(Counter('cat')).items()) :
        #    frozenset takes an iterable object as input and makes them immutable.
        #    So that hash(frozenset(Counter('cat'))) is equal to
        #   hash of other 'cat' anagrams
        #    >>> frozenset({('c', 1), ('a', 1), ('t', 1)})
    return [v for k, v in m.items()]
# This code is contributed by
# Rohan Kumar(@r0hnx)


[[cat, atc], [dog, ogd, god]]

时间复杂度:假设有 N 个单词,每个单词最多有 M 个字符。上限是 O(NM)。
空间复杂度:假设有 N 个单词,每个单词最多有 M 个字符。上限是 O(N+M)。

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