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📜  最短作业优先 (SJF) 调度程序 |设置 2(抢先)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-26 06:42:52             🧑  作者: Mango

在上一篇文章中,我们讨论了 SJF 的 Set 1,即非抢占式。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论 SJF 的抢占式版本,称为最短剩余时间优先 (SRTF)。

最短剩余时间优先 (SRTF) 调度

在最短剩余时间优先 (SRTF) 调度算法中,选择执行剩余时间最少的进程。由于根据定义,当前正在执行的进程是剩余时间最短的进程,并且由于该时间只会随着执行的进行而减少,因此进程将始终运行,直到它们完成或添加需要更短时间的新进程。

最短剩余时间优先(抢占式 SJF):示例

Process Duration Order Arrival Time
P1 9 1 0
P2 2 2 2


1- 短流程处理速度非常快。
2- 系统也需要很少的开销,因为它只在进程完成或添加新进程时做出决定。
3- 当添加新进程时,算法只需要将当前正在执行的进程与新进程进行比较,而忽略当前等待执行的所有其他进程。
1- 像最短作业优先一样,它有可能导致进程饥饿。
2- 如果连续添加短流程,则可能会无限期推迟长流程。


1- Traverse until all process gets completely
   a) Find process with minimum remaining time at
     every single time lap.
   b) Reduce its time by 1.
   c) Check if its remaining time becomes 0 
   d) Increment the counter of process completion.
   e) Completion time of current process = 
     current_time +1;
   e) Calculate waiting time for each completed 
   wt[i]= Completion time - arrival_time-burst_time
   f)Increment time lap by one.
2- Find turnaround time (waiting_time+burst_time).
// C++ program to implement Shortest Remaining Time First
// Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF)
using namespace std;
struct Process {
    int pid; // Process ID
    int bt; // Burst Time
    int art; // Arrival Time
// Function to find the waiting time for all
// processes
void findWaitingTime(Process proc[], int n,
                                int wt[])
    int rt[n];
    // Copy the burst time into rt[]
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        rt[i] = proc[i].bt;
    int complete = 0, t = 0, minm = INT_MAX;
    int shortest = 0, finish_time;
    bool check = false;
    // Process until all processes gets
    // completed
    while (complete != n) {
        // Find process with minimum
        // remaining time among the
        // processes that arrives till the
        // current time`
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            if ((proc[j].art <= t) &&
            (rt[j] < minm) && rt[j] > 0) {
                minm = rt[j];
                shortest = j;
                check = true;
        if (check == false) {
        // Reduce remaining time by one
        // Update minimum
        minm = rt[shortest];
        if (minm == 0)
            minm = INT_MAX;
        // If a process gets completely
        // executed
        if (rt[shortest] == 0) {
            // Increment complete
            check = false;
            // Find finish time of current
            // process
            finish_time = t + 1;
            // Calculate waiting time
            wt[shortest] = finish_time -
                        proc[shortest].bt -
            if (wt[shortest] < 0)
                wt[shortest] = 0;
        // Increment time
// Function to calculate turn around time
void findTurnAroundTime(Process proc[], int n,
                        int wt[], int tat[])
    // calculating turnaround time by adding
    // bt[i] + wt[i]
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        tat[i] = proc[i].bt + wt[i];
// Function to calculate average time
void findavgTime(Process proc[], int n)
    int wt[n], tat[n], total_wt = 0,
                    total_tat = 0;
    // Function to find waiting time of all
    // processes
    findWaitingTime(proc, n, wt);
    // Function to find turn around time for
    // all processes
    findTurnAroundTime(proc, n, wt, tat);
    // Display processes along with all
    // details
    cout << "Processes "
        << " Burst time "
        << " Waiting time "
        << " Turn around time\n";
    // Calculate total waiting time and
    // total turnaround time
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        total_wt = total_wt + wt[i];
        total_tat = total_tat + tat[i];
        cout << " " << proc[i].pid << "\t\t"
            << proc[i].bt << "\t\t " << wt[i]
            << "\t\t " << tat[i] << endl;
    cout << "\nAverage waiting time = "
        << (float)total_wt / (float)n;
    cout << "\nAverage turn around time = "
        << (float)total_tat / (float)n;
// Driver code
int main()
    Process proc[] = { { 1, 6, 1 }, { 2, 8, 1 },
                    { 3, 7, 2 }, { 4, 3, 3 } };
    int n = sizeof(proc) / sizeof(proc[0]);
    findavgTime(proc, n);
    return 0;

// Java program to implement Shortest Remaining Time First
// Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF)
class Process
    int pid; // Process ID
    int bt; // Burst Time
    int art; // Arrival Time
    public Process(int pid, int bt, int art)
        this.pid = pid;
        this.bt = bt;
        this.art = art;
public class GFG
    // Method to find the waiting time for all
    // processes
    static void findWaitingTime(Process proc[], int n,
                                     int wt[])
        int rt[] = new int[n];
        // Copy the burst time into rt[]
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            rt[i] = proc[i].bt;
        int complete = 0, t = 0, minm = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int shortest = 0, finish_time;
        boolean check = false;
        // Process until all processes gets
        // completed
        while (complete != n) {
            // Find process with minimum
            // remaining time among the
            // processes that arrives till the
            // current time`
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                if ((proc[j].art <= t) &&
                  (rt[j] < minm) && rt[j] > 0) {
                    minm = rt[j];
                    shortest = j;
                    check = true;
            if (check == false) {
            // Reduce remaining time by one
            // Update minimum
            minm = rt[shortest];
            if (minm == 0)
                minm = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            // If a process gets completely
            // executed
            if (rt[shortest] == 0) {
                // Increment complete
                check = false;
                // Find finish time of current
                // process
                finish_time = t + 1;
                // Calculate waiting time
                wt[shortest] = finish_time -
                             proc[shortest].bt -
                if (wt[shortest] < 0)
                    wt[shortest] = 0;
            // Increment time
    // Method to calculate turn around time
    static void findTurnAroundTime(Process proc[], int n,
                            int wt[], int tat[])
        // calculating turnaround time by adding
        // bt[i] + wt[i]
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            tat[i] = proc[i].bt + wt[i];
    // Method to calculate average time
    static void findavgTime(Process proc[], int n)
        int wt[] = new int[n], tat[] = new int[n];
        int  total_wt = 0, total_tat = 0;
        // Function to find waiting time of all
        // processes
        findWaitingTime(proc, n, wt);
        // Function to find turn around time for
        // all processes
        findTurnAroundTime(proc, n, wt, tat);
        // Display processes along with all
        // details
        System.out.println("Processes " +
                           " Burst time " +
                           " Waiting time " +
                           " Turn around time");
        // Calculate total waiting time and
        // total turnaround time
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            total_wt = total_wt + wt[i];
            total_tat = total_tat + tat[i];
            System.out.println(" " + proc[i].pid + "\t\t"
                             + proc[i].bt + "\t\t " + wt[i]
                             + "\t\t" + tat[i]);
        System.out.println("Average waiting time = " +
                          (float)total_wt / (float)n);
        System.out.println("Average turn around time = " +
                           (float)total_tat / (float)n);
    // Driver Method
    public static void main(String[] args)
         Process proc[] = { new Process(1, 6, 1),
                            new Process(2, 8, 1),
                            new Process(3, 7, 2),
                            new Process(4, 3, 3)};
         findavgTime(proc, proc.length);

# Python3 program to implement Shortest Remaining Time First
# Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF)
# Function to find the waiting time
# for all processes
def findWaitingTime(processes, n, wt):
    rt = [0] * n
    # Copy the burst time into rt[]
    for i in range(n):
        rt[i] = processes[i][1]
    complete = 0
    t = 0
    minm = 999999999
    short = 0
    check = False
    # Process until all processes gets
    # completed
    while (complete != n):
        # Find process with minimum remaining
        # time among the processes that
        # arrives till the current time`
        for j in range(n):
            if ((processes[j][2] <= t) and
                (rt[j] < minm) and rt[j] > 0):
                minm = rt[j]
                short = j
                check = True
        if (check == False):
            t += 1
        # Reduce remaining time by one
        rt[short] -= 1
        # Update minimum
        minm = rt[short]
        if (minm == 0):
            minm = 999999999
        # If a process gets completely
        # executed
        if (rt[short] == 0):
            # Increment complete
            complete += 1
            check = False
            # Find finish time of current
            # process
            fint = t + 1
            # Calculate waiting time
            wt[short] = (fint - proc[short][1] -   
            if (wt[short] < 0):
                wt[short] = 0
        # Increment time
        t += 1
# Function to calculate turn around time
def findTurnAroundTime(processes, n, wt, tat):
    # Calculating turnaround time
    for i in range(n):
        tat[i] = processes[i][1] + wt[i]
# Function to calculate average waiting
# and turn-around times.
def findavgTime(processes, n):
    wt = [0] * n
    tat = [0] * n
    # Function to find waiting time
    # of all processes
    findWaitingTime(processes, n, wt)
    # Function to find turn around time
    # for all processes
    findTurnAroundTime(processes, n, wt, tat)
    # Display processes along with all details
    print("Processes    Burst Time     Waiting",
                    "Time     Turn-Around Time")
    total_wt = 0
    total_tat = 0
    for i in range(n):
        total_wt = total_wt + wt[i]
        total_tat = total_tat + tat[i]
        print(" ", processes[i][0], "\t\t",
                   processes[i][1], "\t\t",
                   wt[i], "\t\t", tat[i])
    print("\nAverage waiting time = %.5f "%(total_wt /n) )
    print("Average turn around time = ", total_tat / n)
# Driver code
if __name__ =="__main__":
    # Process id's
    proc = [[1, 6, 1], [2, 8, 1],
            [3, 7, 2], [4, 3, 3]]
    n = 4
    findavgTime(proc, n)
# This code is contributed
# Shubham Singh(SHUBHAMSINGH10)

// C# program to implement Shortest Remaining Time First
// Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF)
using System;
public class Process
    public int pid; // Process ID
    public int bt; // Burst Time
    public int art; // Arrival Time
    public Process(int pid, int bt, int art)
        this.pid = pid;
        this.bt = bt;
        this.art = art;
public class GFG
    // Method to find the waiting
    // time for all processes
    static void findWaitingTime(Process []proc, int n,
                                    int []wt)
        int []rt = new int[n];
        // Copy the burst time into rt[]
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            rt[i] = proc[i].bt;
        int complete = 0, t = 0, minm = int.MaxValue;
        int shortest = 0, finish_time;
        bool check = false;
        // Process until all processes gets
        // completed
        while (complete != n)
            // Find process with minimum
            // remaining time among the
            // processes that arrives till the
            // current time`
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                if ((proc[j].art <= t) &&
                (rt[j] < minm) && rt[j] > 0)
                    minm = rt[j];
                    shortest = j;
                    check = true;
            if (check == false)
            // Reduce remaining time by one
            // Update minimum
            minm = rt[shortest];
            if (minm == 0)
                minm = int.MaxValue;
            // If a process gets completely
            // executed
            if (rt[shortest] == 0)
                // Increment complete
                check = false;
                // Find finish time of current
                // process
                finish_time = t + 1;
                // Calculate waiting time
                wt[shortest] = finish_time -
                            proc[shortest].bt -
                if (wt[shortest] < 0)
                    wt[shortest] = 0;
            // Increment time
    // Method to calculate turn around time
    static void findTurnAroundTime(Process []proc, int n,
                            int []wt, int []tat)
        // calculating turnaround time by adding
        // bt[i] + wt[i]
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            tat[i] = proc[i].bt + wt[i];
    // Method to calculate average time
    static void findavgTime(Process []proc, int n)
        int []wt = new int[n];int []tat = new int[n];
        int total_wt = 0, total_tat = 0;
        // Function to find waiting time of all
        // processes
        findWaitingTime(proc, n, wt);
        // Function to find turn around time for
        // all processes
        findTurnAroundTime(proc, n, wt, tat);
        // Display processes along with all
        // details
        Console.WriteLine("Processes " +
                        " Burst time " +
                        " Waiting time " +
                        " Turn around time");
        // Calculate total waiting time and
        // total turnaround time
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            total_wt = total_wt + wt[i];
            total_tat = total_tat + tat[i];
            Console.WriteLine(" " + proc[i].pid + "\t\t"
                            + proc[i].bt + "\t\t " + wt[i]
                            + "\t\t" + tat[i]);
        Console.WriteLine("Average waiting time = " +
                        (float)total_wt / (float)n);
        Console.WriteLine("Average turn around time = " +
                        (float)total_tat / (float)n);
    // Driver Method
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        Process []proc = { new Process(1, 6, 1),
                            new Process(2, 8, 1),
                            new Process(3, 7, 2),
                            new Process(4, 3, 3)};
        findavgTime(proc, proc.Length);
// This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar



Processes  Burst time  Waiting time  Turn around time
 1        6         3        9
 2        8         16        24
 3        7         8        15
 4        3         0        3
Average waiting time = 6.75
Average turn around time = 12.75

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