📜  C++中的const关键字

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-23 07:29:57             🧑  作者: Mango

在本文中,讨论了在C++中找到的 const 关键字的各种功能。每当const 关键字附加到任何方法()、变量、指针变量和类的对象时,它都会阻止特定的对象/方法()/变量修改其数据项值。



  • const 变量在赋值时不能保持未初始化状态。
  • 它不能在程序中的任何地方赋值。
  • 需要在声明常量变量时为常量变量提供显式值。


下面是演示上述概念的 C++ 程序:

// C++ program to demonstrate the
// the above concept
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // const int x;  CTE error
    // x = 9;   CTE error
    const int y = 10;
    cout << y;
    return 0;

// C++ program to demonstrate the
// above concept
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int x{ 10 };
    char y{ 'M' };
    const int* i = &x;
    const char* j = &y;
    // Value of x and y can be altered,
    // they are not constant variables
    x = 9;
    y = 'A';
    // Change of constant values because,
    // i and j are pointing to const-int
    // & const-char type value
    // *i = 6;
    // *j = 7;
    cout << *i << " " << *j;

// C++ program to demonstrate the
// above concept
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // x and z non-const var
    int x = 5;
    int z = 6;
    // y and p non-const var
    char y = 'A';
    char p = 'C';
    // const pointer(i) pointing
    // to the var x's location
    int* const i = &x;
    // const pointer(j) pointing
    // to the var y's location
    char* const j = &y;
    // The values that is stored at the memory location can modified
    // even if we modify it through the pointer itself
    // No CTE error
    *i = 10;
    *j = 'D';
    // CTE because pointer variable
    // is const type so the address
    // pointed by the pointer variables
    // can't be changed
    // *i = &z;
    // *j = &p;
    cout << *i << " and " << *j
        << endl;
    cout << i << " and " << j;
    return 0;

// C++ program to demonstrate
// the above concept
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main()
    int x{ 9 };
    const int* const i = &x;
    // *i=10;  
    // The above statement will give CTE
    // Once Ptr(*i) value is
    // assigned, later it can't
    // be modified(Error)
    char y{ 'A' };
    const char* const j = &y;
    // *j='B';
    // The above statement will give CTE
    // Once Ptr(*j) value is
    // assigned, later it can't
    // be modified(Error)
    cout << *i << " and " << *j;
    return 0;

// C++ program to demonstrate
// the above concept
using namespace std;
int foo(int* y)
    return *y;
// Driver code
int main()
    int z = 8;
    const int* x = &z;
    cout << foo(x);
    return 0;

// C++ program to demonstrate the
// constant function
using namespace std;
// Class Test
class Test {
    int value;
    // Constructor
    Test(int v = 0)
        value = v;
    // We get compiler error if we
    // add a line like "value = 100;"
    // in this function.
    int getValue() const
        return value;
    // a nonconst function trying to modify value
    void setValue(int val) {
        value = val;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Object of the class T
    Test t(20);
    // non-const object invoking const function, no error
    cout << t.getValue() << endl;
    // const object
      const Test t_const(10);
    // const object invoking const function, no error
    cout << t_const.getValue() << endl;
    // const object invoking non-const function, CTE
    // t_const.setValue(15);
    // non-const object invoking non-const function, no error
    cout << t.getValue() << endl;
    return 0;

// C++ program to demonstrate the
// above approach
using namespace std;
// Function foo() with variable
// const int
void foo(const int y)
    // y = 6; const value
    // can't be change
    cout << y;
// Function foo() with variable int
void foo1(int y)
    // Non-const value can be change
    y = 5;
    cout << '\n'
         << y;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int x = 9;
    const int z = 10;
    return 0;

// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
const int foo(int y)
    return y;
int main()
    int x = 9;
    const int z = 10;
    cout << foo(x) << '\n'
         << foo(z);
    return 0;

// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
const int foo(const int y)
    // y = 9; it'll give CTE error as
    // y is const var its value can't
    // be change
    return y;
// Driver code
int main()
    int x = 9;
    const int z = 10;
    cout << foo(x) << '\n'
         << foo(z);
    return 0;



错误声明面临的错误如果您尝试初始化 const 变量而不分配显式值,则会生成编译时错误 (CTE)。

带有指针变量的 Const 关键字

指针可以用 const 关键字声明。因此,有三种可能的方式将 const 关键字与指针一起使用,如下所示:

当。。。的时候 指针变量指向一个常量值


const data_type* var_name;

下面是实现上述概念的 C++ 程序:


// C++ program to demonstrate the
// above concept
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int x{ 10 };
    char y{ 'M' };
    const int* i = &x;
    const char* j = &y;
    // Value of x and y can be altered,
    // they are not constant variables
    x = 9;
    y = 'A';
    // Change of constant values because,
    // i and j are pointing to const-int
    // & const-char type value
    // *i = 6;
    // *j = 7;
    cout << *i << " " << *j;
9 A

说明:在上面的例子中,i 和 j 是两个指针变量,分别指向一个内存位置 const int-type 和 char-type,但是存储在这些相应位置的值可以像我们上面所做的那样进行更改。


当 const 指针变量指向值时


data_type* const var_name;



// C++ program to demonstrate the
// above concept
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // x and z non-const var
    int x = 5;
    int z = 6;
    // y and p non-const var
    char y = 'A';
    char p = 'C';
    // const pointer(i) pointing
    // to the var x's location
    int* const i = &x;
    // const pointer(j) pointing
    // to the var y's location
    char* const j = &y;
    // The values that is stored at the memory location can modified
    // even if we modify it through the pointer itself
    // No CTE error
    *i = 10;
    *j = 'D';
    // CTE because pointer variable
    // is const type so the address
    // pointed by the pointer variables
    // can't be changed
    // *i = &z;
    // *j = &p;
    cout << *i << " and " << *j
        << endl;
    cout << i << " and " << j;
    return 0;
9 and M
0x7ffd1ff8f830 and MC

说明:对应的指针变量 i 和 j 中存储的值是可以修改的,但是常量指针变量指出的 x 和 y 的对应值存储的位置是不可修改的。

否则,将出现以下错误:指针变量是 const 并指向存储 x 和 y 的位置,如果我们尝试更改地址位置,那么我们将面临错误。

当 const 指针指向 const 变量时


const data_type* const var_name;

下面是演示上述概念的 C++ 程序:


// C++ program to demonstrate
// the above concept
using namespace std;
// Driver code
int main()
    int x{ 9 };
    const int* const i = &x;
    // *i=10;  
    // The above statement will give CTE
    // Once Ptr(*i) value is
    // assigned, later it can't
    // be modified(Error)
    char y{ 'A' };
    const char* const j = &y;
    // *j='B';
    // The above statement will give CTE
    // Once Ptr(*j) value is
    // assigned, later it can't
    // be modified(Error)
    cout << *i << " and " << *j;
    return 0;
9 and A

说明:这里,const 指针变量指向const 变量。因此,您既不能更改 const指针变量 (*P),也不能更改该指针变量 (*P)指向的位置处存储的值



下面是演示上述概念的 C++ 程序:


// C++ program to demonstrate
// the above concept
using namespace std;
int foo(int* y)
    return *y;
// Driver code
int main()
    int z = 8;
    const int* x = &z;
    cout << foo(x);
    return 0;




与成员函数和成员函数参数一样,类的对象也可以声明为const 。声明为 const 的对象无法修改,因此只能调用 const成员函数,因为这些函数确保不会修改对象。


const Class_Name Object_name;
  • 当一个函数被声明为 const 时,它可以被任何类型的对象、const 对象和非常量对象调用。
  • 每当对象被声明为 const 时,都需要在声明时对其进行初始化。但是,只有在构造函数的帮助下才能在声明时进行对象初始化。



const void foo()
   //void foo() const Not valid
int main()

类的 const成员函数

   void foo() const



// C++ program to demonstrate the
// constant function
using namespace std;
// Class Test
class Test {
    int value;
    // Constructor
    Test(int v = 0)
        value = v;
    // We get compiler error if we
    // add a line like "value = 100;"
    // in this function.
    int getValue() const
        return value;
    // a nonconst function trying to modify value
    void setValue(int val) {
        value = val;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Object of the class T
    Test t(20);
    // non-const object invoking const function, no error
    cout << t.getValue() << endl;
    // const object
      const Test t_const(10);
    // const object invoking const function, no error
    cout << t_const.getValue() << endl;
    // const object invoking non-const function, CTE
    // t_const.setValue(15);
    // non-const object invoking non-const function, no error
    cout << t.getValue() << endl;
    return 0;

如果您尝试从 const 对象调用非常量函数,则会出现以下错误


一个函数()参数和 函数()的返回类型可以声明为常量。 无法更改常量值,因为任何此类尝试都会产生编译时错误。

下面是实现上述方法的 C++ 程序:


// C++ program to demonstrate the
// above approach
using namespace std;
// Function foo() with variable
// const int
void foo(const int y)
    // y = 6; const value
    // can't be change
    cout << y;
// Function foo() with variable int
void foo1(int y)
    // Non-const value can be change
    y = 5;
    cout << '\n'
         << y;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int x = 9;
    const int z = 10;
    return 0;


  • // y = 6;不能更改或修改 const 值。

对于 const 返回类型函数() 的返回类型是 const,因此它向我们返回一个 const 整数值。下面是实现上述方法的 C++ 程序:


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
const int foo(int y)
    return y;
int main()
    int x = 9;
    const int z = 10;
    cout << foo(x) << '\n'
         << foo(z);
    return 0;


对于const 返回类型和const 参数这里,函数的返回类型和参数都是const 类型。下面是实现上述方法的 C++ 程序:


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
const int foo(const int y)
    // y = 9; it'll give CTE error as
    // y is const var its value can't
    // be change
    return y;
// Driver code
int main()
    int x = 9;
    const int z = 10;
    cout << foo(x) << '\n'
         << foo(z);
    return 0;

说明:这里,const 和非const 值都可以作为const 参数传递给函数,但是我们不能更改传递的变量的值,因为参数是const。否则,我们将面临如下错误:

// y=9;它会给出编译时错误,因为 y 是 const var 它的值不能改变。

想要从精选的视频和练习题中学习,请查看C++ 基础课程,从基础到高级 C++ 和C++ STL 课程,了解基础加 STL。要完成从学习语言到 DS Algo 等的准备工作,请参阅完整的面试准备课程