📜  在处理语言中使用向量

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-19 04:38:07             🧑  作者: Mango

Processing 中的向量正是它们在现实生活中的样子,一个既有大小又有方向的量。在这个例子中,我们将使用向量创建著名游戏Pong的运动机制。在Processing中,PVector类用于描述一个二维或三维的欧几里得向量。它具有以下字段 –

  • x – 向量的 x 分量
  • y – 向量的 y 分量
  • z – 向量的 z 分量

PVector 类还有几个用于操作向量的函数,我们将在以下程序中使用add()函数。


/* SKETCH */
Ball b; // Ball object
void setup()
    // Called at the beginning once
    // Initializing the new walker object with radius of the ball
    b=new Ball(20);
void draw() // Called every frame
    background(0); // A black background
    b.display(); // Displaying the Ball object
    b.move(); // Function to move the Ball
    b.bounce();// Function to bounce the Ball

现在我们必须定义 Ball 类。我们必须定义两个 PVectors location 和 velocity 作为数据成员。我们将它们初始化如下——

PVector location, velocity;
Ball(float r)
    // Initial position is set at the center of the screen
    location = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
    // Initial velocity set to 2 for in both x and y direction
    velocity = new PVector(2, 2);
    // Initializing radius


void move()
    location.x += velocity.x;
    location.y += velocity.y;

这也可以使用 add()函数来实现,该函数是 PVector 类的成员。由于我们想将速度向量与位置向量相加,我们编写以下代码——

void move()
    // Equivalent way of thinking:
    // location += velocity


void bounce()
    // Code for making the ball bounce of the edges
    if((location.x + radius > width) || (location.x + radius < 0))
        velocity.x *= -1;
    if((location.y + radius > height) || (location.y + radius < 0))
        velocity.y *= -1;


/* Implementation of the Ball class */
class Ball
    PVector location, velocity;
    float radius;
    Ball(float r)
        // Initial position is set at the center of the screen
        location = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
        // Initial velocity set to 2 for in both x and y direction
        velocity = new PVector(2, 2);
        // Initializing radius
    void move()
        // Equivalent way of thinking:
        // location += velocity
    void bounce()
        // Code for making the ball bounce of the edges
        if((location.x > width) || (location.x < 0))
            velocity.x *= -1;
        if((location.y > height) || (location.y < 0))
            velocity.y *= -1;
    void display()
        // Code to display the ball
        ellipse(location.x, location.y, radius * 2, radius * 2);