📜  回溯和 Branch-N-Bound 技术的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-15 01:45:23             🧑  作者: Mango







Parameter Backtracking Branch and Bound
Approach Backtracking is used to find all possible solutions available to a problem. When it realises that it has made a bad choice, it undoes the last choice by backing it up. It searches the state space tree until it has found a solution for the problem.  Branch-and-Bound is used to solve optimisation problems. When it realises that it already has a better optimal solution that the pre-solution leads to, it abandons that pre-solution. It completely searches the state space tree to get optimal solution.
Traversal Backtracking traverses the state space tree by DFS(Depth First Search) manner. Branch-and-Bound traverse the tree in any manner, DFS or BFS.
Function Backtracking involves feasibility function. Branch-and-Bound involves a bounding function.
Problems Backtracking is used for solving Decision Problem. Branch-and-Bound is used for solving Optimisation Problem.
Searching In backtracking, the state space tree is searched until the solution is obtained. In Branch-and-Bound as the optimum solution may be present any where in the state space tree, so the tree need to be searched completely.
Efficiency Backtracking is more efficient. Branch-and-Bound is less efficient.
Applications Useful in solving N-Queen Problem, Sum of subset. Useful in solving Knapsack Problem, Travelling Salesman Problem.

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