📜  Python和 Groovy 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 06:21:07             🧑  作者: Mango

Python: 它是通用编程,支持过程和面向对象的编程概念。以及它具有函数式和反射式编程的一些特性。它是由 Guido van Rossum 创建并于 1991 年 2 月 20 日首次发布的高级编程语言。 如今, Python是 Web 应用程序开发、其他软件开发、机器学习的首选编程语言中的通用和通用语言、人工智能、数据科学,在许多 IT 行业和科学领域广受欢迎。

使用Python 的公司: Google、Netflix、Facebook、Instagram、Quora 和 Spotify 等。


  • 易于学习和简单的语法
  • 免费和开源语言
  • 庞大的库支持
  • 良好的物联网机会
  • 解释型和动态类型


  • 内存效率不高
  • 移动计算薄弱
  • 数据库访问困难
  • 设计限制
  • 运行时错误

常规: 它是一种面向对象的编程语言,与 Java 语法兼容,因为语言语法与Java语言相似。它基于Java平台。 2003 年由 James Strachan 开发,2007 年 1 月 2 日,Groovy 1.0 发布。它可以用作Java的脚本语言。

使用 Groovy 的公司:摩根大通、富国银行、Trustwave、星巴克和 Craftbase 等。

Groovy 的优点:

  • 简单易学
  • 简单的文件操作
  • 更简单更高效

Groovy 的缺点:

  • 需要Java虚拟机
  • 表现不是很好
  • 没有源代码格式化程序

Python和 Groovy 区别表




01. Python is a high level, general purpose programming which supports both procedural and object-oriented programming concept.  Groovy is an object-oriented programming language which is Java-syntax-compatible and Python-based the general-purpose it is used as a scripting language for java.
02. It is developed by van Rossum and the first release was on February 20, 1991.  In the year 2003, it is developed by James Strachan and on January 2, 2007, Groovy 1.0 was released.
03. Python based web application framework Django started in 2003. Groovy-based web application framework Grail started in 2005.
04. Python is called as an interpreted language. But actually, it is first compiled which is hidden from the programmer and then interpreted. Groovy is both compiled and interpreted language as groovy code is compiled to JVM byte code also which is interpreted at runtime.
05. It is more stable and diverse as compared to Groovy language. It is less diverse as compared to the Python language.
06. It is preferred for development which involves heavy computing and process tons of data. It is preferred for development application which depends on JSON like data structure as it works well with JSON.
07. Companies that use Python: Google, Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Quora, and Spotify etc. Companies that use Groovy: JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Trustwave, Starbucks and Craftbase etc.
08. Easy to learn  Object-oriented approach, the syntax is a curly bracket