📜  CSV和Excel之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-25 16:27:41             🧑  作者: Mango

CSV: CSV是指逗号分隔的值。它将纯文本保存为一系列值(单元格),并在一系列行(行)中用逗号(,)分隔。 CSV文件实际上可以在文本编辑器中打开并读取。有许多用于读取CSV文件的应用程序,许多语言提供了内置功能,可简化读取/写入CSV格式的操作。这些文件是专业人士在数据分析或可视化中使用的大多数文件。

Excel: Microsoft Excel用于在水平和垂直行中显示数据。数据通常存储在单元格中。我们在Excel中提供了一个公式选项,可用于数据及其存储位置。您甚至可以添加任何图表,图形等,使其更具表现力。



1 CSV stands for Comma separated value. MS Excel stands for Microsoft Excel.
2 It is a plain text format with a series of values separated by commas. It is a binary file that holds information about all the worksheets in a workbook.
3 CSV can be opened with any text editor in Windows like notepad, MS Excel, Microsoft Works 9, etc. Excel file can be opened with Microsoft Excel doc only.
4 It is a standard of saving tabular information into a delimited text file. It is a spreadsheet application that saves files into its own format.
5 CSV file saved with extension as .csv. Excel file saved with extension as .xls/.xlsx.
6 It consumes less memory than Excel. It consumes more memory than CSV.
7 No such feature is available in CSV format when it is compared with Excel. It also provides the user option for external linking of data from other sources and also the user can do custom add-ins.
8 It is not easier for the end user to read large files in CSV. It is easier for the end user to read large files.