📜  C++ STL中的bitset reset()函数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 10:39:21             🧑  作者: Mango

bitset :: reset()是C++ STL中的内置函数,用于重置参数中给定索引处的位。如果未传递任何参数,则所有位都将重置为零。


reset(int index) 



下面的程序说明了bitset :: reset()函数。


// CPP program to illustrate the
// bitset::reset() function
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Initialization of bitset
    bitset<4> b1(string("1100"));
    bitset<6> b2(string("111111"));
    // Function that resets all bits
    cout << "Before applying reset() function: "
         << b1 << endl;
    cout << "After applying reset() function: "
         << b1 << endl;
    // Function that resets all bits
    cout << "Before applying reset() function: "
         << b2 << endl;
    cout << "After applying reset() function: "
         << b2 << endl;
    return 0;
Before applying reset() function: 1100
After applying reset() function: 0000
Before applying reset() function: 111111
After applying reset() function: 000000


// CPP program to illustrate the
// bitset::reset() function
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Initialization of bitset
    bitset<4> b1(string("1101"));
    bitset<6> b2(string("111111"));
    // Function that resets all bits
    cout << "Before applying reset() function: "
         << b1 << endl;
    cout << "After applying reset(2) function: "
         << b1 << endl;
    // Function that resets all bits
    cout << "Before applying reset() function: "
         << b2 << endl;
    cout << "After applying reset(3) and reset(5) function: "
         << b2 << endl;
    return 0;
Before applying reset() function: 1101
After applying reset(2) function: 1001
Before applying reset() function: 111111
After applying reset(3) and reset(5) function: 010111
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