📜  在C++中使用开放式寻址线性探测实现自己的哈希表

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 08:13:23             🧑  作者: Mango



  • 插入(k)–继续探测,直到找到一个空插槽。找到空插槽后,插入k。
  • Search(k)–继续探测,直到插槽的密钥不等于k或到达空插槽为止。
  • Delete(k)–删除操作很有趣。如果我们只是删除一个键,则搜索可能会失败。因此,已删除密钥的插槽特别标记为“已删除”。



代码 –

using namespace std;
//template for generic type
//Hashnode class
class HashNode
    V value;
    K key;
    //Constructor of hashnode 
    HashNode(K key, V value)
        this->value = value;
        this->key = key;
//template for generic type
//Our own Hashmap class
class HashMap
    //hash element array
    HashNode **arr;
    int capacity;
    //current size
    int size;
    //dummy node
    HashNode *dummy;
        //Initial capacity of hash array
        capacity = 20;
        arr = new HashNode*[capacity];
        //Initialise all elements of array as NULL
        for(int i=0 ; i < capacity ; i++)
            arr[i] = NULL;
        //dummy node with value and key -1
        dummy = new HashNode(-1, -1);
    // This implements hash function to find index
    // for a key
    int hashCode(K key)
        return key % capacity;
    //Function to add key value pair
    void insertNode(K key, V value)
        HashNode *temp = new HashNode(key, value);
        // Apply hash function to find index for given key
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
        //find next free space 
        while(arr[hashIndex] != NULL && arr[hashIndex]->key != key
               && arr[hashIndex]->key != -1)
            hashIndex %= capacity;
        //if new node to be inserted increase the current size
        if(arr[hashIndex] == NULL || arr[hashIndex]->key == -1)
        arr[hashIndex] = temp;
    //Function to delete a key value pair
    V deleteNode(int key)
        // Apply hash function to find index for given key
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
        //finding the node with given key
        while(arr[hashIndex] != NULL)
            //if node found
            if(arr[hashIndex]->key == key)
                HashNode *temp = arr[hashIndex];
                //Insert dummy node here for further use
                arr[hashIndex] = dummy;
                // Reduce size
                return temp->value;
            hashIndex %= capacity;
        //If not found return null
        return NULL;
    //Function to search the value for a given key
    V get(int key)
        // Apply hash function to find index for given key
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
        int counter=0;
        //finding the node with given key   
        while(arr[hashIndex] != NULL)
        {    int counter =0;
             if(counter++>capacity)  //to avoid infinite loop
                return NULL;        
            //if node found return its value
            if(arr[hashIndex]->key == key)
                return arr[hashIndex]->value;
            hashIndex %= capacity;
        //If not found return null
        return NULL;
    //Return current size 
    int sizeofMap()
        return size;
    //Return true if size is 0
    bool isEmpty()
        return size == 0;
    //Function to display the stored key value pairs
    void display()
        for(int i=0 ; ikey != -1)
                cout << "key = " << arr[i]->key 
                     <<"  value = "<< arr[i]->value << endl;
//Driver method to test map class
int main()
    HashMap *h = new HashMap;
    cout << h->sizeofMap() <deleteNode(2) << endl;
    cout << h->sizeofMap() <isEmpty() << endl;
    cout << h->get(2);
    return 0;

输出 –

key = 1 value = 1
key = 2 value = 3
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