📜  C和目标C的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-25 21:00:48             🧑  作者: Mango

C语言是由Dennis Ritchie在1970年代初UNIX操作系统开发的。它是一种通用的过程编程语言。该语言用于开发系统应用程序和桌面应用程序。要了解有关C语言的更多信息,请参阅https:// www。极客。 org / c-programming-language /

Objective C1980年代初Brad CoxTom Love共同开发的。它是一种面向对象的通用语言,其创建目的是向C编程语言提供小型交谈式消息传递。该语言允许用户通过声明来定义协议,并且可以将数据成员设为公共私有受保护的Apple在iOSOS X操作系统上使用了这种语言。 Apple于2014年开发了Swift语言来替代该语言。但是仍然有许多公司正在维护用目标C编写的旧版应用程序。


C Language Objective C
It is a procedure oriented programming language. Problems are solved step by step fashion. Objective c is an object-oriented programming language. It adds syntax and semantics that allows for an object oriented language. But it doesn’t support multiple inheritance property.
C language can be called the subset of Objective C Objective C can be called the super set of C language. It contains classes and objects in addition to C language.
The pointers used in C language are vulnerable to security attacks. The language objective C uses null pointers and hence is type safe compared to C.
It is basically a low level language that stands too close to assembly level language. Objective C is a high-level language stuffed with small talk messaging style together with C.
C language doesn’t incorporate any classes. Bjarne Stroustrup developed the C++ language with the main intent of adding object oriented features like class to the C language. Objective C is object-oriented language and incorporates classes and offers dynamic runtime.
It follows the top-down programming approach. It follows the bottom-up programming approach.
In this language big program code is divided into small pieces of code which is called functions. In this language big program code is divided into smaller codes which is called Objects and Classes.
It supports only pointers. It supports both pointers and references.
Variables should be declared at the beginning of the program. In this language variable can be declared anywhere in the program.
C language doesn’t support the exception handling. Objective C supports the exception handling which can be implement using catch and try blocks.
C doesn’t allow to define the function with default arguments. It allows to define function with default arguments.
C can not run the code of Objective C. Objective C can run the code of C language.
C provides malloc() and calloc() functions for dynamic memory allocation, and free() for memory de-allocation. Objective C provides new operator for memory allocation and delete operator for memory de-allocation.
Data is not secured in C language. Using the concept of encapsulation, security can be achieved in Objective C.
It doesn‘t have the provision of inline function. It supports the inline function.
C does not support function and operator overloading. Objective C supports the function and operator overloading.
In general it’s known as function-driven language. It’s known as object driven language.
It doesn’t supports the encapsulation, Data hiding, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction. Encapsulation, Data hiding, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction are the key features of the Objective C.
C language doesn’t supports the templates. Objective C supports the templates.
It’s good for embedded services. It’s good for networking, gaming etc.