📜  2-可满足性(2-SAT)问题

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:54.020000             🧑  作者: Mango




  • 满足:如果可以为布尔变量赋值,使得公式结果为 TRUE,那么我们说该公式是可满足的。
  • Unsatisfiable :如果不能分配这样的值,那么我们说这个公式是不可满足的。


  • F = A \wedge \bar{B}    , 是可满足的,因为 A = TRUE 和 B = FALSE 使得 F = TRUE。
  • G = A \wedge \bar{A}    , 是不可满足的,因为:

注意:布尔可满足性问题是 NP 完全的(为了证明,请参阅库克定理)。


什么是 2-SAT 问题

为了更好地理解这一点,首先让我们看看什么是合取范式 (CNF) 或也称为和积 (POS)。
CNF : CNF 是子句的合取 (AND),其中每个子句都是析取 (OR)。
现在,2-SAT 将 SAT 的问题限制为仅表示为 CNF 的那些布尔公式,每个子句只有2 个术语(也称为2-CNF )。
例子: F = (A_1 \vee B_1) \wedge (A_2 \vee B_2) \wedge (A_3 \vee B_3) \wedge ....... \wedge (A_m \vee B_m)
给定 CNF,每个子句只有 2 个术语,是否可以将这些值分配给变量以使 CNF 为 TRUE?

输入 : F = (x1 \vee x2) \wedge (x2 \vee \bar{x1}) \wedge (\bar{x1} \vee \bar{x2})输出:给定的表达式是可满足的。 (对于 x1 = FALSE,x2 = TRUE)输入: F = (x1 \vee x2) \wedge (x2 \vee \bar{x1}) \wedge (x1 \vee \bar{x2}) \wedge (\bar{x1} \vee \bar{x2})输出:给定的表达式是不可满足的。 (对于 x1 和 x2 的所有可能组合)

2-SAT 问题的方法

为了使 CNF 值变为 TRUE,每个子句的值都应为 TRUE。让其中一个子句是(A \vee B)    .
   = 真

  • 如果 A = 0,则 B 必须为 1,即(\bar{A} \Rightarrow B)
  • 如果 B = 0,则 A 必须为 1,即(\bar{B} \Rightarrow A)


(A \vee B) = TRUE 相当于(\bar{A} \Rightarrow B) \wedge (\bar{B} \Rightarrow A)

现在,我们可以将 CNF 表示为蕴涵。因此,我们创建了一个蕴涵图,它为 CNF 的每个子句都有 2 条边。
(A \vee B)    在蕴涵图中表示为edge(\bar{A} \rightarrow B) \ & edge(\bar{B} \rightarrow A)

  • 每个子句有 2 条边,即“2m”条边。
  • 布尔公式中涉及的每个布尔变量都有 1 个节点。


2-SAT 问题的方法

注意:蕴涵(如果 A 那么 B)等价于它的对立面(如果\bar{B}    然后\bar{A}    )。

案例 1:如果edge(X \rightarrow \bar{X}) [Tex]存在于图中[/Tex] 这意味着(X \Rightarrow \bar{X})如果 X = TRUE, \bar{X} = TRUE,这是一个矛盾。但如果 X = FALSE,则没有隐含约束。因此,X = FALSE

案例 2:如果edge(\bar{X} \rightarrow X) [Tex]存在于图中[/Tex] 这意味着(\bar{X} \Rightarrow X)如果\bar{X} = TRUE,X = TRUE,这是一个矛盾。但如果\bar{X} = FALSE,没有隐含约束。因此, \bar{X} = 假,即 X = 真

案例 3:如果edge(X \rightarrow \bar{X}) \& edge(\bar{X} \rightarrow X) [Tex]两者都存在于图中[/Tex] 一条边要求 X 为 TRUE,另一条边要求 X 为 FALSE。因此,在这种情况下没有可能的分配。

结论:如果任意两个变量X    \bar{X}    是在一个周期,即path(\bar{A} \rightarrow B) \& path({B} \rightarrow A)    两者都存在,则 CNF 不可满足。否则,有一个可能的分配并且 CNF 是可满足的。
如果我们有(A \Rightarrow B) \& (B \Rightarrow C), then A \Rightarrow C
如果 X 和\bar{X}    在同一个 SCC(Strongly Connected Component)中,CNF 是不可满足的。
有向图的强连通分量具有节点,使得每个节点都可以从该 SCC 中的每个其他节点到达。
现在,如果 X 和\bar{X}    躺在同一个SCC上,我们肯定会有path(\bar{A} \rightarrow B) \& path({B} \rightarrow A)    现在,因此得出结论。
可以使用 Kosaraju 算法在 O(E+V) 中完成 SCC 的检查

// C++ implementation to find if the given
// expression is satisfiable using the
// Kosaraju's Algorithm
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 100000;
// data structures used to implement Kosaraju's
// Algorithm. Please refer
// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/strongly-connected-components/
vector adj[MAX];
vector adjInv[MAX];
bool visited[MAX];
bool visitedInv[MAX];
stack s;
// this array will store the SCC that the
// particular node belongs to
int scc[MAX];
// counter maintains the number of the SCC
int counter = 1;
// adds edges to form the original graph
void addEdges(int a, int b)
// add edges to form the inverse graph
void addEdgesInverse(int a, int b)
// for STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm
void dfsFirst(int u)
    visited[u] = 1;
    for (int i=0;i b[i]
        // AND -b[i] -> a[i]
        if (a[i]>0 && b[i]>0)
            addEdges(a[i]+n, b[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(a[i]+n, b[i]);
            addEdges(b[i]+n, a[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(b[i]+n, a[i]);
        else if (a[i]>0 && b[i]<0)
            addEdges(a[i]+n, n-b[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(a[i]+n, n-b[i]);
            addEdges(-b[i], a[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(-b[i], a[i]);
        else if (a[i]<0 && b[i]>0)
            addEdges(-a[i], b[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(-a[i], b[i]);
            addEdges(b[i]+n, n-a[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(b[i]+n, n-a[i]);
            addEdges(-a[i], n-b[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(-a[i], n-b[i]);
            addEdges(-b[i], n-a[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(-b[i], n-a[i]);
    // STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which
    // traverses the original graph
    for (int i=1;i<=2*n;i++)
        if (!visited[i])
    // STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which
    // traverses the inverse graph. After this,
    // array scc[] stores the corresponding value
    while (!s.empty())
        int n = s.top();
        if (!visitedInv[n])
    for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
        // for any 2 variable x and -x lie in
        // same SCC
            cout << "The given expression "
                 "is unsatisfiable." << endl;
    // no such variables x and -x exist which lie
    // in same SCC
    cout << "The given expression is satisfiable."
         << endl;
//  Driver function to test above functions
int main()
    // n is the number of variables
    // 2n is the total number of nodes
    // m is the number of clauses
    int n = 5, m = 7;
    // each clause is of the form a or b
    // for m clauses, we have a[m], b[m]
    // representing a[i] or b[i]
    // Note:
    // 1 <= x <= N for an uncomplemented variable x
    // -N <= x <= -1 for a complemented variable x
    // -x is the complement of a variable x
    // The CNF being handled is:
    // '+' implies 'OR' and '*' implies 'AND'
    // (x1+x2)*(x2’+x3)*(x1’+x2’)*(x3+x4)*(x3’+x5)*
    // (x4’+x5’)*(x3’+x4)
    int a[] = {1, -2, -1, 3, -3, -4, -3};
    int b[] = {2, 3, -2, 4, 5, -5, 4};
    // We have considered the same example for which
    // Implication Graph was made
    is2Satisfiable(n, m, a, b);
    return 0;

// Java implementation to find if the given
// expression is satisfiable using the
// Kosaraju's Algorithm
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
static final int MAX = 100000;
// Data structures used to implement Kosaraju's
// Algorithm. Please refer
// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/strongly-connected-components/
static List > adj = new ArrayList();
static List > adjInv = new ArrayList();
static boolean[] visited = new boolean[MAX];
static boolean[] visitedInv = new boolean[MAX];
static Stack s = new Stack();
// This array will store the SCC that the
// particular node belongs to
static int[] scc = new int[MAX];
// counter maintains the number of the SCC
static int counter = 1;
// Adds edges to form the original graph void
static void addEdges(int a, int b)
// Add edges to form the inverse graph
static void addEdgesInverse(int a, int b)
// For STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm
static void dfsFirst(int u)
    if (visited[u])
    visited[u] = true;
    for(int i = 0; i < adj.get(u).size(); i++)
// For STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm
static void dfsSecond(int u)
    if (visitedInv[u])
    visitedInv[u] = true;
    for(int i = 0; i < adjInv.get(u).size(); i++)
    scc[u] = counter;
// Function to check 2-Satisfiability
static void is2Satisfiable(int n, int m,
                           int a[], int b[])
    // Adding edges to the graph
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        // variable x is mapped to x
        // variable -x is mapped to n+x = n-(-x)
        // for a[i] or b[i], addEdges -a[i] -> b[i]
        // AND -b[i] -> a[i]
        if (a[i] > 0 && b[i] > 0)
            addEdges(a[i] + n, b[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(a[i] + n, b[i]);
            addEdges(b[i] + n, a[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(b[i] + n, a[i]);
        else if (a[i] > 0 && b[i] < 0)
            addEdges(a[i] + n, n - b[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(a[i] + n, n - b[i]);
            addEdges(-b[i], a[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(-b[i], a[i]);
        else if (a[i] < 0 && b[i] > 0)
            addEdges(-a[i], b[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(-a[i], b[i]);
            addEdges(b[i] + n, n - a[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(b[i] + n, n - a[i]);
            addEdges(-a[i], n - b[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(-a[i], n - b[i]);
            addEdges(-b[i], n - a[i]);
            addEdgesInverse(-b[i], n - a[i]);
    // STEP 1 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which
    // traverses the original graph
    for(int i = 1; i <= 2 * n; i++)
        if (!visited[i])
    // STEP 2 of Kosaraju's Algorithm which
    // traverses the inverse graph. After this,
    // array scc[] stores the corresponding value
    while (!s.isEmpty())
        int top = s.peek();
        if (!visitedInv[top])
    for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        // For any 2 variable x and -x lie in
        // same SCC
        if (scc[i] == scc[i + n])
            System.out.println("The given expression" +
                               "is unsatisfiable.");
    // No such variables x and -x exist which lie
    // in same SCC
    System.out.println("The given expression " +
                       "is satisfiable.");
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // n is the number of variables
    // 2n is the total number of nodes
    // m is the number of clauses
    int n = 5, m = 7;
    for(int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
        adj.add(new ArrayList());
        adjInv.add(new ArrayList());
    // Each clause is of the form a or b
    // for m clauses, we have a[m], b[m]
    // representing a[i] or b[i]
    // Note:
    // 1 <= x <= N for an uncomplemented variable x
    // -N <= x <= -1 for a complemented variable x
    // -x is the complement of a variable x
    // The CNF being handled is:
    // '+' implies 'OR' and '*' implies 'AND'
    // (x1+x2)*(x2’+x3)*(x1’+x2’)*(x3+x4)*(x3’+x5)*
    // (x4’+x5’)*(x3’+x4)
    int a[] = { 1, -2, -1, 3, -3, -4, -3 };
    int b[] = { 2, 3, -2, 4, 5, -5, 4 };
    // We have considered the same example
    // for which Implication Graph was made
    is2Satisfiable(n, m, a, b);
// This code is contributed by jithin


The given expression is satisfiable.


Input : n = 2, m = 3
        a[] = {1, 2, -1}
        b[] = {2, -1, -2}
Output : The given expression is satisfiable.

Input : n = 2, m = 4
        a[] = {1, -1, 1, -1}
        b[] = {2, 2, -2, -2}
Output : The given expression is unsatisfiable.