📜  restcountries.eu api (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:19:48.830000             🧑  作者: Mango

Restcountries.eu API


RestCountries.eu is an open RESTful API providing data about countries including name, currency, calling code, region and much more. With this API, developers can access country data from anywhere in the world, making it an ideal tool for creating global applications.

This API uses HTTP methods and returns data in JSON format, making it easy for developers to integrate into their projects. This documentation will provide an overview of the API and how to use its various features.


The API has several endpoints for accessing different types of country data. Some of these endpoints include:

  • /all - Returns all countries and their data
  • /name/{name} - Returns information about a specific country based on its name
  • /alpha/{alphaCode} - Returns information about a specific country based on its alpha code
  • /region/{region} - Returns all countries in a particular region
  • /currency/{currency} - Returns all countries that use a particular currency
  • /callingcode/{callingCode} - Returns all countries that use a particular calling code

To use the RestCountries.eu API, you will need to send HTTP requests to the desired endpoints. The response will be in JSON format and can be parsed to extract the required data.

Here is an example HTTP request to retrieve data for a specific country based on its name:

GET https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/name/{countryName}

The response will contain various fields of data for the country, including:

  • Name
  • Alpha Code
  • Capital
  • Region
  • Subregion
  • Population
  • Currency
  • Languages Spoken
  • Flag
Rate Limiting

The API has a rate limiting feature which limits the number of requests a user can make per hour. This limit is currently set at 150 requests per hour. If you exceed this limit, your IP address will be blocked for a certain period of time.


In conclusion, the RestCountries.eu API is an excellent tool for developers looking to access country data for their applications. With its easy-to-use endpoints and JSON response format, developers can quickly integrate the API into their projects.