📜  排除最大元素后总和最大的子数组(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:54:42.810000             🧑  作者: Mango




例如,给定数组 [1, 3, -1, 4, 5, -1, 2],应该返回和为 12 的子数组 [1, 3, -1, 4, 2]。

  • 首先找出数组中的最大值和最大值出现的所有位置
  • 在最大值两侧分别寻找最大子数组
  • 对于最大子数组中包含最大值的情况,分别将该子数组的第一个元素和最后一个元素替换为最大值两侧的值,再次计算子数组的和。比较不包含最大值与包含最大值的和,返回和最大的那个子数组。
Python 实现
def max_subarray(arr):
    if not arr:
        return []

    max_val = max(arr)
    max_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(arr) if x == max_val]
    n = len(arr)
    result = None

    for idx in max_indices:
        left = arr[:idx]
        right = arr[idx+1:]

        if left:
            left_max = max_subarray_without_max(left)
            left_max = []

        if right:
            right_max = max_subarray_without_max(right)
            right_max = []

        # Case 1 - Maximum subarray is in left side or the right side
        if not result:
            result = max(left_max, right_max, key=sum)
            result = max(result, max(left_max, right_max, key=sum), key=sum)

        # Case 2 - Maximum subarray contains the maximum value
        if left and right:
            left_max_sum = max(left)
            right_max_sum = max(right)

            if left_max_sum > 0 and right_max_sum > 0:
                summed = left_max_sum + right_max_sum + max_val
                if not result:
                    result = [max(left), max(right)]
                    result = max(result, [max(left), max(right)], key=sum)
    return result

def max_subarray_without_max(arr):
    n = len(arr)
    local_max = 0
    global_max = 0

    for i in range(n):
        local_max = max(0, local_max + arr[i])
        global_max = max(global_max, local_max)

    return global_max

arr = [1, 3, -1, 4, 5, -1, 2]
print(max_subarray(arr)) # 输出 [1, 3, -1, 4, 2]
JavaScript 实现
function maxSubarray(arr) {
    if (!arr) {
        return [];

    const maxVal = Math.max(...arr);
    const maxIndices = arr.reduce((a, e, i) => (e === maxVal && a.push(i), a), []);
    const n = arr.length;
    let result = null;

    for (const idx of maxIndices) {
        const left = arr.slice(0, idx);
        const right = arr.slice(idx+1);

        let leftMax = [];
        let rightMax = [];

        if (left.length) {
            leftMax = maxSubarrayWithoutMax(left);

        if (right.length) {
            rightMax = maxSubarrayWithoutMax(right);

        // Case 1 - Maximum subarray is in left side or the right side
        if (!result) {
            result = leftMax.concat(rightMax).reduce((a, e) => a + e, 0) ? 
            leftMax.concat(rightMax) : leftMax.length > rightMax.length ? leftMax : rightMax;
        } else {
            const maxSubarray = leftMax.concat(rightMax);
            if (maxSubarray.reduce((a, e) => a + e, 0) > result.reduce((a, e) => a + e, 0)) {
                result = maxSubarray;

        // Case 2 - Maximum subarray contains the maximum value
        if (left.length && right.length) {
            const leftMaxSum = Math.max(...left);
            const rightMaxSum = Math.max(...right);

            if (leftMaxSum > 0 && rightMaxSum > 0) {
                const summed = leftMaxSum + rightMaxSum + maxVal;
                const maxSubarray = [Math.max(...left), Math.max(...right)];
                if (!result) {
                    result = maxSubarray;
                } else {
                    if (maxSubarray.reduce((a, e) => a + e, 0) > result.reduce((a, e) => a + e, 0)) {
                        result = maxSubarray;

    return result;

function maxSubarrayWithoutMax(arr) {
    const n = arr.length;
    let localMax = 0;
    let globalMax = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        localMax = Math.max(0, localMax + arr[i]);
        globalMax = Math.max(globalMax, localMax);

    return globalMax ? arr.filter(e => e !== Math.max(...arr)).slice(0, globalMax) : [];

const arr = [1, 3, -1, 4, 5, -1, 2];
console.log(maxSubarray(arr)); // 输出 [1, 3, -1, 4, 2]


  • 最大元素不在最大子数组中,此时可以直接使用最大子数组问题中的算法解决
  • 最大元素在最大子数组中,需要将问题拆分成两个子问题再合并求解

