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📜  react native flatlist hide scrollbar - Javascript(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:19:43.500000             🧑  作者: Mango

React Native FlatList Hide Scrollbar - JavaScript

In React Native, the FlatList component is commonly used to render a scrolling list of items efficiently. By default, it displays a scrollbar to indicate the scroll position. However, there might be cases where you want to hide this scrollbar for a cleaner and more customized UI. In this guide, I will explain how to achieve this using JavaScript in a React Native application.


To hide the scrollbar of a FlatList in React Native, you can utilize the showsVerticalScrollIndicator prop. By setting it to false, the scrollbar will be hidden. Here's an example code snippet:

import React from 'react';
import { FlatList, View } from 'react-native';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const data = [
    // your data here

  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} // hide the scrollbar
        // other FlatList props and renderItem function

export default MyComponent;

The showsVerticalScrollIndicator prop is a boolean value that determines whether to show the vertical scrollbar or not. Setting it to false will hide the scrollbar.

Don't forget to replace data with your actual array of data, and customize the FlatList with other required props like renderItem, keyExtractor, etc., according to your specific use case.


By setting the showsVerticalScrollIndicator prop of FlatList to false, you can easily hide the scrollbar in a React Native application. This allows you to create a more polished and customized user interface. Experiment with different design choices and iterate until you achieve the desired result.