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Laravel Paytm Wallet for Laravel 7

GitHub Repository: anandsiddharth/laravel-paytm-wallet


Laravel Paytm Wallet is a Laravel package that provides an easy interface to integrate Paytm wallet with your Laravel applications. This package uses Paytm's PHP SDK to provide seamless integration with Paytm wallet. It provides a set of convenient methods to handle wallet transactions, refunds, and status checks.

  • Easy integration with Paytm wallet
  • Convenient methods to handle wallet transactions, refunds, and status checks
  • Configurable Paytm environment (Production, Staging, or Sandbox)
  • Extensively tested with Laravel 7
  • Secure and reliable

To get started with Laravel Paytm Wallet, install the package through Composer:

composer require anandsiddharth/laravel-paytm-wallet

Please follow the instructions mentioned in the official documentation to complete the setup process.


Here's an example of how you can use Laravel Paytm Wallet in your Laravel application:

// Load the Paytm Wallet facade
use Anand\LaravelPaytmWallet\Facades\PaytmWallet;

// Initiate a transaction
$transaction = PaytmWallet::with('receive');

// Setup transaction details
    'order' => 'ORDER123',
    'amount' => 100,

// Handle the response
$response = $transaction->receive();
if ($response['STATUS'] === 'TXN_SUCCESS') {
    // Transaction successful, update database with the transaction details
    $transactionId = $response['TXNID'];
} else {
    // Transaction failed, handle error
    $errorMessage = $response['RESPMSG'];

Laravel Paytm Wallet is a great package that makes it easy to integrate Paytm wallet with your Laravel applications. It provides a clean API with easy-to-use methods to handle wallet transactions, refunds, and status checks. The package is extensively tested and is reliable, making it a great choice for integrating Paytm wallet with your Laravel application.