📜  chmod chown (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:14:08.467000             🧑  作者: Mango

chmod and chown


In UNIX and Linux operating systems, chmod and chown are two essential command-line tools used by programmers to modify file permissions and change file ownership. These commands allow programmers to control access to files and directories, ensuring security and flexibility in file management.


The chmod command is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. It modifies the access permissions for the owner, group, and others (everyone else) in terms of read, write, and execute permissions. The command is mainly used to restrict or grant certain privileges to different users.

To change the permissions, you need to specify a three-digit octal number or a symbolic representation. The octal method assigns a numeric value to each permission type, where:

  • 4 represents read permission
  • 2 represents write permission
  • 1 represents execute permission

For example, to give the owner read and write permissions, you would use chmod 600 filename.

The symbolic representation uses letters to represent permissions:

  • r for read permission
  • w for write permission
  • x for execute permission

For example, to give the owner read and write permissions, you would use chmod u+rw filename.


The chown command is used to change the ownership of a file or directory. It allows you to transfer ownership either to a specific user or a specific group. This command is particularly helpful when you need to grant or revoke access rights to different users or groups.

To change ownership, you need to specify the user and/or group you want to assign. For example:

  • chown ownername filename: Changes the owner of a file or directory to the specified user.
  • chown :groupname filename: Changes the group ownership of a file or directory to the specified group.
  • chown ownername:groupname filename: Changes both the owner and group ownership of a file or directory.

Both chown and chmod can be used recursively by adding the -R option, allowing you to modify permissions or ownership for all files and directories within a given directory.


In summary, chmod and chown are powerful command-line tools that enable programmers to manage file permissions and ownership in UNIX and Linux systems. By utilizing these commands effectively, programmers can ensure the security and accessibility of their files, providing a more controlled and organized development environment.