📜  qualcomm atheros ar9271 txpower up (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:46:50.875000             🧑  作者: Mango

Qualcomm Atheros AR9271 TxPower Up

The Qualcomm Atheros AR9271 is a popular wireless chipset commonly used in network adapters. In this guide, we will explore how to increase the TxPower of the AR9271 chipset, which allows for a stronger transmission signal.


To follow this guide, you need:

  • A computer running a Linux distribution (such as Ubuntu)
  • Administrative/root access to the system
  • A Qualcomm Atheros AR9271-based network adapter
  1. Install the necessary software:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install iw
  2. Verify that the AR9271 chipset is detected:


    The output should contain a line with the ID 0cf3:9271.

  3. Find the interface name associated with the AR9271 adapter:


    Look for the wireless adapter section, which should include the interface name (wlanX).

  4. Set the TxPower value for the AR9271 chipset:

    sudo iw dev [interface name] set txpower fixed [power in dBm]

    Replace [interface name] with the name from the previous step (e.g., wlan0), and [power in dBm] with the desired transmission power (e.g., 27 for 27 dBm).

  5. Verify the new TxPower value:

    iw dev [interface name] get txpower

    The output should show the updated TxPower value.


By following these steps, you can increase the TxPower of your Qualcomm Atheros AR9271 chipset, which can result in a stronger transmission signal. Make sure to comply with legal regulations and consider the hardware limitations of your device before setting a high power value.