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📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:59:19.855000             🧑  作者: Mango

AOT (Ahead of Time) Compilation in Angular

Angular is a popular front-end framework developed by Google. One of its key features is its use of AOT (Ahead of Time) compilation. This is a process of precompiling your Angular code during the build process. The result is faster rendering and smaller bundle sizes. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of AOT compilation and how you can implement it in your Angular projects.

Why use AOT compilation?

There are several benefits to using AOT compilation in your Angular projects:

  1. Faster rendering: AOT-compiled code can be rendered by the browser faster than Just-In-Time (JIT) compiled code.

  2. Smaller bundle sizes: The AOT compiler removes any unnecessary code from your application, resulting in smaller bundle sizes.

  3. Better security: AOT compilation prevents attackers from exploiting certain vulnerabilities, such as template injection attacks or code injection attacks.

  4. Better performance: AOT-compiled code is optimized for production, resulting in better performance overall.

How to use AOT compilation in Angular

There are different ways to enable AOT compilation in Angular, depending on whether you are using Angular CLI or not. Here are the basic steps:

  1. For an Angular CLI project, use the --aot flag when building your application. For example, to build your application with AOT compilation, run the following command:
ng build --aot
  1. If you are not using Angular CLI, you can use the @angular/compiler-cli package to enable AOT compilation in your project. First, install the package:
npm install @angular/compiler-cli --save-dev

Then, modify your build process to include the AOT compilation step. For example, if you are using Webpack, you can add the following configuration:

const ngToolsWebpack = require('@ngtools/webpack');

module.exports = {
  // ...
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.ts$/,
        loader: '@ngtools/webpack'
  plugins: [
    new ngToolsWebpack.AngularCompilerPlugin({
      tsConfigPath: './tsconfig.json'

This configuration tells Webpack to use the @ngtools/webpack loader to transpile your TypeScript code to JavaScript and then use the AngularCompilerPlugin to perform the AOT compilation.


AOT compilation is an important feature of Angular that can help to improve your application's performance, security, and bundle size. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily enable AOT compilation in your Angular projects.