📜  redis pub 或 sub nodejs - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:47:02.763000             🧑  作者: Mango

Redis Pub/Sub with Node.js

Redis is an open-source data structure store that can be used as a database, cache or message broker. One of the features provided by Redis is a publish/subscribe messaging system, also called Pub/Sub. In this article, we will explore how to use Redis Pub/Sub with Node.js.


To follow along with this tutorial, it is assumed that:

  • You have a basic understanding of Node.js
  • You have Redis installed and running on your local machine or remote server
Setting up Redis in Node.js

Node.js provides a Redis client library called redis that allows you to interact with Redis from your Node.js application. To install it, open your terminal and run the following command:

npm install redis

Once the library is installed, you can start using it in your Node.js application by requiring the redis module:

const redis = require('redis');

To connect to Redis, you can use the createClient method:

const client = redis.createClient();

This will create a Redis client that connects to the default Redis server running on localhost at port 6379. If you are running Redis on a different host or port, you can pass the appropriate host and port values as parameters to the createClient method.

Publishing Messages with Redis Pub/Sub

To publish a message to a Redis channel, you can use the publish method of the Redis client:

client.publish('mychannel', 'Hello Redis Pub/Sub');

Here, we are publishing the message "Hello Redis Pub/Sub" to the channel "mychannel". If there are any subscribers listening for messages on the channel, they will receive this message.

Subscribing to Redis Channels with Pub/Sub

To subscribe to a Redis channel, you can use the subscribe method of the Redis client. You need to pass the name of the channel you want to subscribe to as a parameter to this method:


Once you subscribe to a channel, you can start listening for messages on that channel. To do this, you need to add a listener function to the Redis client object that handles the messages received on the channel:

client.on('message', function(channel, message) {
  console.log(`Received message ${message} on channel ${channel}`);

Here, we are adding a listener function to the Redis client that logs the received message to the console. This function will be called every time a message is received on the subscribed channel.

Unsubscribing from Redis Channels with Pub/Sub

To unsubscribe from a Redis channel, you can use the unsubscribe method of the Redis client. You need to pass the name of the channel you want to unsubscribe from as a parameter to this method:


Redis Pub/Sub is a powerful messaging system that allows you to build scalable and real-time applications. In this tutorial, we have explored how to use Redis Pub/Sub with Node.js. We have seen how to publish messages to Redis channels and how to subscribe to those channels to receive messages. We hope this tutorial has been useful to you in learning how to use Redis Pub/Sub with Node.js.