📜  twitter-text-python (ttp) 模块 – Python

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:01.881000             🧑  作者: Mango

twitter-text-python (ttp) 模块 – Python

twitter-text-python是Python的 Tweet 解析器和格式化程序。在许多事情中,这个模块可以执行的任务是:

  • reply :回复推文的句柄的用户名。
  • users :推文中提到的所有用户名。
  • tags :推文中提到的所有主题标签。
  • urls :推文中提到的所有 URL。
  • html :向上述字段添加超链接。

示例 1:

# import the twitter-text-python module
from ttp import ttp
# the text to be parsed
tweet_text = ("@twitter Sample tweet containing different components." +
             "# gfg # tweeple Visit : https://twitter.com @TwitterIndia")
# instantiating the Parser
p = ttp.Parser()
# parsing the text
result = p.parse(tweet_text)
# printing the username of the
# account being replied to
print("The username being replied to is : " + result.reply)
# printing all the usernames
# mentioned in the tweet
print("\nAll the usernames mentioned are : " + str(result.users))
# printing all the hashtags
# mentioned in the tweet
print("\nAll the hashtags mentioned are : " + str(result.tags))
# printing all the URLs
# mentioned in the tweet
print("\nAll the URLs mentioned are : " + str(result.urls))
# adding hyperlinks to usernames,
# hashtags and URLs

输出 :

示例 2:我们还可以通过include_spans = True找到字符串(POS) 的位置。

# import the twitter-text-python module
from ttp import ttp
# the text to be parsed
tweet_text = ("@twitter Sample tweet containing different components." +
             "# gfg # tweeple Visit : https://twitter.com @TwitterIndia")
# instantiating the Parser
# with spans
p = ttp.Parser(include_spans = True)
# parsing the text
result = p.parse(tweet_text)
# printing all the usernames
# mentioned in the tweet with POS
print("All the usernames mentioned are : " + str(result.users))
# printing all the hashtags
# mentioned in the tweet with POS
print("\nAll the hashtags mentioned are : " + str(result.tags))
# printing all the URLs
# mentioned in the tweet with POS
print("\nAll the URLs mentioned are : " + str(result.urls))

输出 :