📜  入门 CSS 排版

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:38.976000             🧑  作者: Mango

入门 CSS 排版

排版是 Primer 的一项功能,用于设置文本内容的样式和格式。它用于创建标题、副标题、段落、拉引号、添加更多面向设计的字体样式等等。它反应灵敏,但规模较小,并且标题设置在营销字体中。

Primer CSS Typography 具有三种类型的实用程序,所有这些都在下面提到并简要描述。

入门 CSS 排版类:

  • 标题实用程序:用于创建不同类型的标题,每种类型有七种标题,我们有单独的类,如h0-mktgh1-mktgh2-mktgh3-mktgh4-mktgh5-mktg ,和h6-mktg
  • 正文内容实用程序:这用于创建不同字体大小的正文元素,每种类型有七种标题,我们有单独的类,如f0-mktgf1-mktgf2-mktgf3-mktgf4-mktgf5 -mktgf6-mktg
  • 排版实用程序:这是在 Primer CSS 的核心实用程序之外使用的。



示例 1:在此示例中,我们将看到 Primer CSS Typography 的标题实用程序


    Primer CSS Typography



        Primer CSS Typography     

Primer CSS: h0-mktg class


Primer CSS: h1-mktg class


Primer CSS: h2-mktg class


Primer CSS: h3-mktg class


Primer CSS: h4-mktg class


Primer CSS: h5-mktg class


Primer CSS: h6-mktg class



    Primer CSS Typography



        Primer CSS Typography     

            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.                     


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         



    Primer CSS Typography



        Primer CSS Typography     

            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         

           Without pullquote:         

            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         



示例 2:在本示例中,我们将看到 Primer CSS Typography 的正文内容实用程序


    Primer CSS Typography



        Primer CSS Typography     

            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.                     


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         


            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         



示例 3:在此示例中,我们将看到 Primer CSS Typography 的排版实用程序


    Primer CSS Typography



        Primer CSS Typography     

            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         

           Without pullquote:         

            We welcome you to the platform, where we consistently             strive to offer the best of education.         



参考: https://primer.style/css/utilities/marketing-type#typography