📜  twig foreach (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:48:03.532000             🧑  作者: Mango

Twig foreach


Twig foreach is a loop statement provided by the Twig templating engine. It allows developers to iterate over a collection of elements, such as arrays or objects, and perform actions on each element within the loop.


The syntax of the Twig foreach loop is as follows:

{% for element in collection %}
    {# code to be executed for each element #}
{% endfor %}

In the above syntax, element is a variable that is used to represent the current element within the loop. collection is the collection of elements that you want to iterate over.


Let's say we have an array of fruits and we want to display each fruit using the Twig foreach loop:

{% set fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'] %}

{% for fruit in fruits %}
    <li>{{ fruit }}</li>
{% endfor %}

In the above example, the fruits array contains three elements: apple, banana, and orange. The Twig foreach loop iterates over each element of the array and generates an HTML list item for each fruit.

Additional Features
Loop Information

Twig foreach loop provides several useful loop-specific variables that can be accessed within the loop. These variables include:

  • loop.index: The current iteration index (starts from 1).
  • loop.index0: The current iteration index (starts from 0).
  • loop.first: True if it's the first iteration.
  • loop.last: True if it's the last iteration.
  • loop.length: The total number of iterations.

You can use these variables to add additional logic or conditional statements within the loop.

Loop Control

Twig foreach loop also provides control statements like break and continue that allow you to control the flow of the loop execution.

  • break: Stops the loop execution entirely.
  • continue: Skips the current iteration and moves to the next one.

These control statements can be useful when you want to terminate the loop early or skip certain iterations based on specific conditions.


The Twig foreach loop is a powerful tool for iterating over collections in Twig templates. It provides flexibility and control over the loop execution, allowing you to perform various actions on each element within the loop.