📜  C++ STL 中的 lexicographical_compare()

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:51.669000             🧑  作者: Mango

C++ STL 中的 lexicographical_compare()

C++ STL 提供了许多实用程序来解决基本的常见生活问题。比较值总是必要的,但有时我们也需要比较字符串。因此, lexicographical_compare() 用于比较字符串



语法 1:

lexicographical_compare(iter1 beg1, iter1 end1, iter2 beg2, iter2 end2) 


  bool lexicographical_compare(iter1 beg1, iter1 end1, 
                               iter2 beg2, iter2 end2)
  while (beg1!=end1)
    if (beg2==end2 || *beg2<*beg1) return false;
    else if (*beg1<*beg2) return true;
    ++beg1; ++beg2;
  return (beg2!=end2);


  • beg1:输入迭代器到第一个序列的初始位置。
  • end1:输入迭代器到第一个序列的最终位置。
  • beg2:输入迭代器到第二个序列的初始位置。
  • end2:输入迭代器到第二个序列的最终位置。

返回值:返回布尔值 true,如果 range1 严格按字典顺序小于 range2,则返回 false。


// C++ code to demonstrate the working of
// lexicographical_compare(), implementation 1
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // initializing char arrays
    char one[] = "geeksforgeeks";
    char two[] = "gfg";
    // using lexicographical_compare for checking
    // is "one" is less than "two"
    if (lexicographical_compare(one, one + 13, two,
                                two + 3))
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is lexicographically less "
                "than gfg";
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is not lexicographically "
                "less than gfg";

// C++ code to demonstrate the working of
// lexicographical_compare()
using namespace std;
// helper function to convert all into lower case:
bool comp(char s1, char s2)
    return tolower(s1) < tolower(s2);
// Driver Code
int main()
    // initializing char arrays
    char one[] = "geeksforgeeks";
    char two[] = "Gfg";
    // using lexicographical_compare for checking
    // is "one" is less than "two"
    // returns false as "g" has larger ASCII value than "G"
    if (lexicographical_compare(one, one + 13, two,
                                two + 3))
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is lexicographically less "
                "than Gfg\n";
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is not lexicographically "
                "less than Gfg\n";
    // using lexicographical_compare for checking
    // is "one" is less than "two"
    // returns true this time as all converted into
    // lowercase
    if (lexicographical_compare(one, one + 13, two, two + 3,
                                comp)) {
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is lexicographically less ";
        cout << "than Gfg( case-insensitive )";
    else {
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is not lexicographically "
                "less ";
        cout << "than Gfg( case-insensitive )";

// C++ code to demonstrate the application of
// lexicographical_compare()
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // initializing char arrays
    char list[][100] = { { 'a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'u', 's' },
                         { 'a', 'p', 'p', 'l', 'e' },
                         { 'c', 'a', 'r' },
                         { 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a' } };
    char min[100] = "zzzzzz";
    // using lexicographical_compare for checking
    // the smallest
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if (lexicographical_compare(
                list[i], list[i] + strlen(list[i]), min,
                min + strlen(min)))
            strcpy(min, list[i]);
    // prints "abacus"
    cout << "The smallest string is : ";
    for (int i = 0; min[i] != '\0'; i++)
        cout << min[i];

geeksforgeeks is lexicographically less than gfg

语法 2:

lexicographical_compare(iter1 beg1, iter1 end1, iter2 beg2, iter2 end2, Compare comp) 


  bool lexicographical_compare(iter1 beg1, iter1 end1, 
                               iter2 beg2, iter2 end2)
  while (beg1!=end1)
    if (beg2==end2 || *beg2<*beg1) return false;
    else if (*beg1<*beg2) return true;
    ++beg1; ++beg2;
  return (beg2!=end2);


  • beg1:输入迭代器到第一个序列的初始位置。
  • end1:输入迭代器到第一个序列的最终位置。
  • beg2:输入迭代器到第二个序列的初始位置。
  • end2:输入迭代器到第二个序列的最终位置。
  • comp:比较器函数,返回每个比较元素的布尔值 true/false。该函数接受两个参数。这可以是函数指针或函数对象,并且不能更改值。

返回值:如果 range1 严格按字典顺序小于 range2,则返回布尔值 true,否则返回 false。



// C++ code to demonstrate the working of
// lexicographical_compare()
using namespace std;
// helper function to convert all into lower case:
bool comp(char s1, char s2)
    return tolower(s1) < tolower(s2);
// Driver Code
int main()
    // initializing char arrays
    char one[] = "geeksforgeeks";
    char two[] = "Gfg";
    // using lexicographical_compare for checking
    // is "one" is less than "two"
    // returns false as "g" has larger ASCII value than "G"
    if (lexicographical_compare(one, one + 13, two,
                                two + 3))
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is lexicographically less "
                "than Gfg\n";
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is not lexicographically "
                "less than Gfg\n";
    // using lexicographical_compare for checking
    // is "one" is less than "two"
    // returns true this time as all converted into
    // lowercase
    if (lexicographical_compare(one, one + 13, two, two + 3,
                                comp)) {
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is lexicographically less ";
        cout << "than Gfg( case-insensitive )";
    else {
        cout << "geeksforgeeks is not lexicographically "
                "less ";
        cout << "than Gfg( case-insensitive )";
geeksforgeeks is not lexicographically less than Gfg
geeksforgeeks is lexicographically less than Gfg( case-insensitive )



// C++ code to demonstrate the application of
// lexicographical_compare()
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // initializing char arrays
    char list[][100] = { { 'a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'u', 's' },
                         { 'a', 'p', 'p', 'l', 'e' },
                         { 'c', 'a', 'r' },
                         { 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a' } };
    char min[100] = "zzzzzz";
    // using lexicographical_compare for checking
    // the smallest
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if (lexicographical_compare(
                list[i], list[i] + strlen(list[i]), min,
                min + strlen(min)))
            strcpy(min, list[i]);
    // prints "abacus"
    cout << "The smallest string is : ";
    for (int i = 0; min[i] != '\0'; i++)
        cout << min[i];
The smallest string is : abacus

lexicographical_compare() 中的异常:如果元素比较或迭代器上的操作抛出,则会抛出异常。如果参数无效,它们会导致未定义的行为。