📜  如何在Python中从文件中读取字典?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:22.677000             🧑  作者: Mango



我们可以通过 3 种方式从文件中读取字典:

  1. 使用json.loads()方法:将有效字典的字符串转换为 json 形式。
  2. 使用ast.literal_eval()方法:函数比 eval函数更安全,也可用于字典以外的所有数据类型的相互转换。
  3. 使用pickle.loads()方法:如果文件被序列化为字符流,我们也可以使用 Pickle 模块。


方法 1:使用json.loads()

# importing the module
import json
# reading the data from the file
with open('dictionary.txt') as f:
    data = f.read()
print("Data type before reconstruction : ", type(data))
# reconstructing the data as a dictionary
js = json.loads(data)
print("Data type after reconstruction : ", type(js))

输出 :

Data type before reconstruction :  
Data type after reconstruction :  
{'Name': 'John', 'Age': 21, 'Id': 28}

方法 2:使用ast.literal_eval()

# importing the module
import ast
# reading the data from the file
with open('dictionary.txt') as f:
    data = f.read()
print("Data type before reconstruction : ", type(data))
# reconstructing the data as a dictionary
d = ast.literal_eval(data)
print("Data type after reconstruction : ", type(d))

输出 :

Data type before reconstruction :  
Data type after reconstruction :  
{'Name': 'John', 'Age': 21, 'Id': 28}


# importing the module
import pickle
# opening file in write mode (binary)
file = open("dictionary.txt", "wb")
my_dict = {"Name": "John",
           "Age": 21,
           "Id": 28}
# serializing dictionary 
pickle.dump(my_dict, file)
# closing the file
# reading the data from the file
with open('dictionary.txt', 'rb') as handle:
    data = handle.read()
print("Data type before reconstruction : ", type(data))
# reconstructing the data as dictionary
d = pickle.loads(data)
print("Data type after reconstruction : ", type(d))

输出 :

Data type before reconstruction :  
Data type after reconstruction :  
{'Name': 'John', 'Age': 21, 'Id': 28}