📜  以垂直顺序打印二叉树 |设置 1

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:19.008000             🧑  作者: Mango

以垂直顺序打印二叉树 |设置 1


        /    \
       2      3
      / \    / \
     4   5  6   7
             \   \
              8   9 
The output of print this tree vertically will be:
1 5 6
3 8


这个想法是遍历树一次并获得相对于根的最小和最大水平距离。对于上面显示的树,最小距离为 -2(对于值为 4 的节点),最大距离为 3(对于值为 9 的节点)。

// min --> Minimum horizontal distance from root
// max --> Maximum horizontal distance from root
// hd  --> Horizontal distance of current node from root 
findMinMax(tree, min, max, hd)
     if tree is NULL then return;
     if hd is less than min then
           *min = hd;
     else if hd is greater than max then
           *max = hd;
     findMinMax(tree->left, min, max, hd-1);
     findMinMax(tree->right, min, max, hd+1);

printVerticalLine(tree, line_no, hd)
     if tree is NULL then return;
     if hd is equal to line_no, then
     printVerticalLine(tree->left, line_no, hd-1);
     printVerticalLine(tree->right, line_no, hd+1); 


using namespace std;
// A node of binary tree
struct Node
    int data;
    struct Node *left, *right;
// A utility function to create a new Binary Tree node
Node* newNode(int data)
    Node *temp = new Node;
    temp->data = data;
    temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
    return temp;
// A utility function to find min and max distances with respect
// to root.
void findMinMax(Node *node, int *min, int *max, int hd)
    // Base case
    if (node == NULL) return;
    // Update min and max
    if (hd < *min)  *min = hd;
    else if (hd > *max) *max = hd;
    // Recur for left and right subtrees
    findMinMax(node->left, min, max, hd-1);
    findMinMax(node->right, min, max, hd+1);
// A utility function to print all nodes on a given line_no.
// hd is horizontal distance of current node with respect to root.
void printVerticalLine(Node *node, int line_no, int hd)
    // Base case
    if (node == NULL) return;
    // If this node is on the given line number
    if (hd == line_no)
        cout << node->data << " ";
    // Recur for left and right subtrees
    printVerticalLine(node->left, line_no, hd-1);
    printVerticalLine(node->right, line_no, hd+1);
// The main function that prints a given binary tree in
// vertical order
void verticalOrder(Node *root)
    // Find min and max distances with resepect to root
    int min = 0, max = 0;
    findMinMax(root, &min, &max, 0);
    // Iterate through all possible vertical lines starting
    // from the leftmost line and print nodes line by line
    for (int line_no = min; line_no <= max; line_no++)
        printVerticalLine(root, line_no, 0);
        cout << endl;
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    // Create binary tree shown in above figure
    Node *root = newNode(1);
    root->left = newNode(2);
    root->right = newNode(3);
    root->left->left = newNode(4);
    root->left->right = newNode(5);
    root->right->left = newNode(6);
    root->right->right = newNode(7);
    root->right->left->right = newNode(8);
    root->right->right->right = newNode(9);
    cout << "Vertical order traversal is \n";
    return 0;

// Java program to print binary tree in reverse order
// A binary tree node
class Node
    int data;
    Node left, right;
    Node(int item)
        data = item;
        left = right = null;
class Values
    int max, min;
class BinaryTree
    Node root;
    Values val = new Values();
    // A utility function to find min and max distances with respect
    // to root.
    void findMinMax(Node node, Values min, Values max, int hd)
        // Base case
        if (node == null)
        // Update min and max
        if (hd < min.min)
            min.min = hd;
        else if (hd > max.max)
            max.max = hd;
        // Recur for left and right subtrees
        findMinMax(node.left, min, max, hd - 1);
        findMinMax(node.right, min, max, hd + 1);
    // A utility function to print all nodes on a given line_no.
    // hd is horizontal distance of current node with respect to root.
    void printVerticalLine(Node node, int line_no, int hd)
        // Base case
        if (node == null)
        // If this node is on the given line number
        if (hd == line_no)
            System.out.print(node.data + " ");       
        // Recur for left and right subtrees
        printVerticalLine(node.left, line_no, hd - 1);
        printVerticalLine(node.right, line_no, hd + 1);
    // The main function that prints a given binary tree in
    // vertical order
    void verticalOrder(Node node)
        // Find min and max distances with resepect to root
        findMinMax(node, val, val, 0);
        // Iterate through all possible vertical lines starting
        // from the leftmost line and print nodes line by line
        for (int line_no = val.min; line_no <= val.max; line_no++)
            printVerticalLine(node, line_no, 0);
    // Driver program to test the above functions
    public static void main(String args[])
        BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();
        /* Let us construct the tree shown in above diagram */
        tree.root = new Node(1);
        tree.root.left = new Node(2);
        tree.root.right = new Node(3);
        tree.root.left.left = new Node(4);
        tree.root.left.right = new Node(5);
        tree.root.right.left = new Node(6);
        tree.root.right.right = new Node(7);
        tree.root.right.left.right = new Node(8);
        tree.root.right.right.right = new Node(9);
        System.out.println("vertical order traversal is :");
// This code has been contributed by Mayank Jaiswal

# Program to print binary tree in vertical order
# A binary tree
class Node:
    # Constructor to create a new node
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.data = key
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# A utility function to find min and max distances with
# respect to root
def findMinMax(node, minimum, maximum, hd):
    # Base Case
    if node is None:
    # Update min and max
    if hd < minimum[0] :
        minimum[0] = hd
    elif hd > maximum[0]:
        maximum[0] = hd
    # Recur for left and right subtrees
    findMinMax(node.left, minimum, maximum, hd-1)
    findMinMax(node.right, minimum, maximum, hd+1)
# A utility function to print all nodes on a given line_no
# hd is horizontal distance of current node with respect to root
def printVerticalLine(node, line_no, hd):
    # Base Case
    if node is None:
    # If this node is on the given line number
    if hd == line_no:
        print (node.data,end=" ")
    # Recur for left and right subtrees
    printVerticalLine(node.left, line_no, hd-1)
    printVerticalLine(node.right, line_no, hd+1)
def verticalOrder(root):
    # Find min and max distances with respect to root
    minimum = [0]
    maximum = [0]
    findMinMax(root, minimum, maximum, 0)
    # Iterate through all possible lines starting
    # from the leftmost line and print nodes line by line
    for line_no in range(minimum[0], maximum[0]+1):
        printVerticalLine(root, line_no, 0)
# Driver program to test above function
root = Node(1)
root.left = Node(2)
root.right = Node(3)
root.left.left = Node(4)
root.left.right = Node(5)
root.right.left = Node(6)
root.right.right = Node(7)
root.right.left.right = Node(8)
root.right.right.right = Node(9)
print ("Vertical order traversal is")
# This code is contributed by Nikhil Kumar Singh(nickzuck_007)

// C# program to print binary tree in reverse order
using System;
// A binary tree node
public class Node
    public int data;
    public Node left, right;
    public Node(int item)
        data = item;
        left = right = null;
class Values
    public int max, min;
public class BinaryTree
    Node root;
    Values val = new Values();
    // A utility function to find min and
    //  max distances with respect to root.
    void findMinMax(Node node, Values min,
                    Values max, int hd)
        // Base case
        if (node == null)
        // Update min and max
        if (hd < min.min)
            min.min = hd;
        else if (hd > max.max)
            max.max = hd;
        // Recur for left and right subtrees
        findMinMax(node.left, min, max, hd - 1);
        findMinMax(node.right, min, max, hd + 1);
    // A utility function to print
    // all nodes on a given line_no.
    // hd is horizontal distance of
    // current node with respect to root.
    void printVerticalLine(Node node,
                            int line_no, int hd)
        // Base case
        if (node == null)
        // If this node is on the given line number
        if (hd == line_no)
            Console.Write(node.data + " ");    
        // Recur for left and right subtrees
        printVerticalLine(node.left, line_no, hd - 1);
        printVerticalLine(node.right, line_no, hd + 1);
    // The main function that prints
    // a given binary tree in vertical order
    void verticalOrder(Node node)
        // Find min and max distances with resepect to root
        findMinMax(node, val, val, 0);
        // Iterate through all possible
        // vertical lines starting from the
        // leftmost line and print nodes line by line
        for (int line_no = val.min; line_no <= val.max; line_no++)
            printVerticalLine(node, line_no, 0);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();
        /* Let us construct the tree
        shown in above diagram */
        tree.root = new Node(1);
        tree.root.left = new Node(2);
        tree.root.right = new Node(3);
        tree.root.left.left = new Node(4);
        tree.root.left.right = new Node(5);
        tree.root.right.left = new Node(6);
        tree.root.right.right = new Node(7);
        tree.root.right.left.right = new Node(8);
        tree.root.right.right.right = new Node(9);
        Console.WriteLine("vertical order traversal is :");
/* This code is contributed PrinciRaj1992 */



Vertical order traversal is
1 5 6
3 8