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📜  Não foi possível encontrar o pacote youtube-to-mp3 (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:17:50.619000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introducing 'youtube-to-mp3' Package

The youtube-to-mp3 package is a useful tool for downloading and converting YouTube videos to MP3 audio files. It allows programmers to retrieve the audio from YouTube videos and save it in a format that can be easily played on various devices.


To install the youtube-to-mp3 package, you can use the following command:

npm install youtube-to-mp3
  1. Download YouTube Videos: The package provides functionality to download YouTube videos directly from their URLs.

  2. Convert to MP3: The downloaded videos can be converted to MP3 audio files, making it easier to listen to them on audio devices.

  3. Custom Filename: You can specify a custom filename for the downloaded MP3 file.

  4. Metadata Extraction: The package can also extract metadata from YouTube videos, such as title, duration, and thumbnail image.


Here's an example of how to use the youtube-to-mp3 package in your JavaScript code:

const { download, convertToMP3 } = require('youtube-to-mp3');

const youtubeUrl = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIDEO_ID';

// Download YouTube video
const downloadPath = await download(youtubeUrl);

// Convert downloaded video to MP3
const convertedPath = await convertToMP3(downloadPath);

console.log(`The video has been successfully converted to MP3 at: ${convertedPath}`);

Make sure to replace VIDEO_ID in the youtubeUrl variable with the actual YouTube video ID.


The youtube-to-mp3 package simplifies the process of downloading and converting YouTube videos to MP3 audio files. It provides a convenient way for programmers to retrieve audio content from YouTube and utilize it in their applications. Give it a try and enhance your audio downloading capabilities!