📜  Java的分隔符

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:14.861000             🧑  作者: Mango


无论是对这个概念一无所知却沉迷于每一个程序的程序员。分隔符帮助我们定义程序的结构。在Java,很少有字符用作分隔符。 Java最常用的分隔符是分号(;)。让我们借助“Hello World”程序的插图进行更多探索,以更加强调分隔符。


1. // Java Program to Illustrate Separators in Java
3. // Main class
4. class GFG {
6.     // Main driver method
7.     public static void main (String[] args) {
9.        // Print statement
10.        System.out.println("Hello World");
11.    }
12. }


  • 在第 3 行中, '{'用于定义块类 GFG 的开始
  • 在第 6 行中, '{'用于定义块 main 方法的开始
  • 在第 10 行, ';'用于终止句子
  • 第 11 行, '}'用于定义块 main 方法的结尾
  • 在第 12 行中, '}'用于定义块类 GFG 的结尾


SymbolName Purpose 
( )Parenthesesused to contain a list of parameters in method definition and invocation. also used for defining precedence in expressions in control statements and surrounding cast types  
{ }BracesUsed to define a block of code, for classes, methods and local scopes Used to contain the value of automatically initialised array 
[ ]Bracketsdeclares array types and also used when dereferencing array values 
;SemicolonTerminates statements
,CommaUsed to separates package names from sub-package and class names and also selects a field or method from an object
.Periodseparates consecutive identifiers in variable declarations also used to chains statements in the test, expression of a for loop
:ColonUsed after labels