📜  list index mysql cli - SQL (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:44:01.003000             🧑  作者: Mango

List Index in MySQL CLI - SQL

MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for managing and manipulating data. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to list the indexes in MySQL CLI using SQL.


Before we proceed, following is what you'll need:

  • An installed and configured MySQL server.
  • A MySQL client installed on your local machine or remote server.
  • Basic knowledge of SQL.

To list the indexes in MySQL CLI using SQL, follow the below steps:

  1. Open the MySQL CLI on your local machine or remote server.
mysql -u username -p
  1. Connect to the database you want to list the indexes for.
USE database_name;
  1. To list all the indexes for the given database, execute the following SQL command:
  1. If you want to list only a particular index for a table, you can use the following SQL command:
SHOW INDEX FROM table_name WHERE Key_name = 'index_name';
  1. Once you have listed the indexes, you can drop an index using the following SQL command:
DROP INDEX index_name ON table_name;

In this tutorial, we discussed how to list the indexes in MySQL CLI using SQL. This is an essential skill for any MySQL developer, as you may need to optimize your database or debug performance issues by analyzing indexes.