📜  @angular core : es2015 as esm2015 (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:29:14.182000             🧑  作者: Mango

Angular Core: ES2015 as ESM2015

Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building web applications. Its core libraries are written in ES2015 and are available as ESM2015 modules. In this guide, we will explore what this means for developers and how they can leverage the benefits of ES2015 and ESM2015 in their Angular projects.

What is ES2015?

ES2015, also known as ES6, is a version of the ECMAScript specification that introduced many new features and improvements to JavaScript. Some of the key features that were introduced in ES2015 include:

  • Let and const declarations
  • Arrow functions
  • Template literals
  • Classes
  • Modules
  • Promises
  • Async/await

These features make JavaScript code more readable, maintainable, and expressive. They also provide developers with new tools and patterns to write code that is more efficient and less error-prone.

What is ESM2015?

ESM2015 is a module system for JavaScript that is built into the language. It allows developers to define and import modules using a simple and standardized syntax. Modules in ESM2015 are defined using the export keyword and can be imported using the import keyword.

ESM2015 modules provide several advantages over previous module systems, such as CommonJS and AMD. They are standardized and well-supported, which makes them easier to use across different environments and tools. They also provide better performance and interoperability by allowing static analysis and tree shaking of the code.

How is Angular Core using ES2015 and ESM2015?

Angular Core is the set of libraries that provide the foundational building blocks for Angular applications. It includes modules for core functionality such as component, directives, and services.

Angular Core is written in ES2015 and is available as ESM2015 modules. This means that developers can use the latest JavaScript features and standards in their Angular projects. They can also leverage the benefits of ESM2015 to write more modular and efficient code.

To use Angular Core in an ESM2015-aware environment such as a modern web browser or Node.js version 12 or later, developers can simply import the modules they need using the import statement. For example, to use the HttpClient service from Angular Core, they can write:

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

This will import the HttpClient service as an ESM2015 module and make it available for use in the current module.


In conclusion, Angular Core is written in ES2015 and is available as ESM2015 modules. This allows developers to use the latest JavaScript features and standards in their Angular projects, as well as leverage the benefits of ESM2015 to write more modular and efficient code.

By using Angular Core in an ESM2015-aware environment, developers can take advantage of the static analysis and tree shaking capabilities of ESM2015, which can result in smaller and faster applications.

Overall, ES2015 and ESM2015 are important technologies for modern web development, and Angular Core is a great example of how they can be used to build robust and efficient web applications.