📜  fakher ul islam khan - PHP (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:00:44.136000             🧑  作者: Mango

Fakher Ul Islam Khan - PHP

Fakher Ul Islam Khan is a highly skilled PHP developer with experience in creating dynamic web applications. He has years of experience in coding, debugging, and maintaining large-scale web applications using PHP. Fakher Ul Islam Khan is passionate about creating high-quality, efficient, and robust PHP code that delivers a seamless user experience.

Technical Skills

Fakher Ul Islam Khan has a broad range of technical skills, including:

  • PHP - Fakher Ul Islam Khan is an expert in PHP development, with extensive experience in object-oriented programming, MVC frameworks, and database integration.
  • MySQL - Fakher Ul Islam Khan has experience working with MySQL databases, including database design, optimization, and maintenance.
  • JavaScript - Fakher Ul Islam Khan has experience working with JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including jQuery and React.js.
  • HTML & CSS - Fakher Ul Islam Khan is proficient in HTML and CSS, and has experience in creating responsive websites using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap.
Work Experience
PHP Developer at ABC Inc (2016 - present)

At ABC Inc, Fakher Ul Islam Khan has been responsible for developing and maintaining web applications and APIs using PHP. His key responsibilities include:

  • Developing new features and functionalities for web applications using PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL.
  • Designing and implementing database schema and optimizing queries for efficient performance.
  • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code according to industry best practices and standards.
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including designers, project managers, and other developers, to deliver high-quality web applications on time and within budget.
PHP Developer at XYZ Corporation (2014 - 2016)

At XYZ Corporation, Fakher Ul Islam Khan was responsible for developing and maintaining custom PHP-based web applications for clients. His key responsibilities included:

  • Developing and maintaining custom PHP-based web applications for clients, including e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and other web applications.
  • Collaborating with clients to understand their requirements and develop custom solutions that met their needs.
  • Improving application performance and scalability by optimizing database queries and improving system architecture.
  • Debugging and resolving issues reported by clients in a timely and efficient manner.

Fakher Ul Islam Khan has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from XYZ University.


Fakher Ul Islam Khan is a highly skilled PHP developer with years of experience in developing and maintaining large-scale web applications. With a strong technical background and a passion for delivering efficient and robust code, he is an asset to any development team.