📜  stringbuilder java (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:47:43.865000             🧑  作者: Mango

StringBuilder Java


In Java, the StringBuilder class is used to create a mutable (changeable) sequence of characters. It is similar to the String class, but the important difference between them is that String is immutable while StringBuilder is mutable. This means that when we manipulate a String object, a new String object is created in memory every time a change is made. With StringBuilder, we can change and modify the content of the object without creating a new one every time.

Why use StringBuilder?

Using StringBuilder is more efficient than using String for situations that require frequent modifications to the content of a String. As previously mentioned, modifying a String requires the creation of a new String in memory for every change. This can be resource-intensive, especially in situations where a large number of String modifications may be required.

In contrast, StringBuilder can modify the content of the object directly without creating a new object every time. This makes it a more efficient solution for string manipulation tasks.


Here are some basic examples of how to use StringBuilder:

Creating a new StringBuilder object
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Appending content to a StringBuilder object
sb.append(" ");
Converting a StringBuilder to a String
String str = sb.toString();
Inserting content at a specific index
sb.insert(5, "!");
Replacing content at a specific index
sb.replace(0, 5, "Hi");
Deleting a range of content
sb.delete(0, 5);
Reversing the content

The StringBuilder class in Java provides a mutable sequence of characters, which makes it more efficient for situations that require frequent modifications to a string. With its various methods for appending, inserting, replacing, deleting, and reversing content, StringBuilder is a powerful tool for string manipulation tasks.