📜  gmial bot (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:15:20.970000             🧑  作者: Mango

GMail Bot


GMail Bot is a powerful and versatile bot that allows programmers to automate tasks and interact with the Gmail service. With its rich set of features and easy-to-use interface, GMail Bot is a must-have tool for any programmer working with email automation.


GMail Bot offers a wide range of features that simplify and streamline the email automation process. Some of the key features include:

  • Email Automation: GMail Bot provides a simple and intuitive interface to automate email tasks such as sending emails, replying to emails, and forwarding emails based on specific criteria.

  • Inbox Management: The bot can help in managing the inbox by organizing emails into folders, marking important emails, and archiving or deleting irrelevant emails.

  • Email Filtering: GMail Bot allows programmers to filter and sort emails based on various criteria such as sender, subject, and date. This helps in prioritizing and handling important emails efficiently.

  • Email Notifications: Programmers can set up email notifications to stay updated on specific events such as receiving an email from a particular sender or receiving an email with specific keywords.

  • Attachment Handling: GMail Bot can easily handle attachments by downloading, uploading, and managing them within the email automation process.

  • Search Functionality: The bot provides a powerful search functionality that allows programmers to search for specific emails based on various criteria, making it easy to find and retrieve relevant emails.


To use GMail Bot in your programming projects, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: To install GMail Bot, run the following command in your terminal:
pip install gmail-bot
  1. Import: In your Python script, import the GMail Bot module:
import gmail_bot
  1. Authentication: Authenticate with Gmail using the bot's credentials. You can generate these credentials by setting up a Google API project and enabling the Gmail API. Once you have the credentials (JSON file), use the following code to authenticate:
bot = gmail_bot.GMailBot('path/to/credentials.json')
  1. Use the Bot: You can now start using the GMail Bot's various functionalities. Here are some examples:
  • Sending an Email:
to = 'recipient@example.com'
subject = 'Hello'
body = 'This is a test email.'
bot.send_email(to, subject, body)
  • Filtering Emails:
sender = 'example@gmail.com'
subject = 'Important'
filtered_emails = bot.filter_emails(sender=sender, subject=subject)
  • Managing Inbox:

GMail Bot is an essential tool for programmers who want to automate email tasks and interact with Gmail programmatically. Its rich set of features, ease of use, and extensive documentation make it a popular choice among developers. Start using GMail Bot today and experience the power of automated email management!