📜  jquery 以字符串结尾查找 id - Javascript (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:43:16.962000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to Finding IDs that End with a String in jQuery

jQuery is a powerful JavaScript library that simplifies the process of coding JavaScript for the web. One common task that developers will encounter is finding IDs that end with a specific string. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this using jQuery.

The jQuery Selector Syntax

To select elements using jQuery, we use the $() function. Within the parentheses, we specify a selector. The syntax for a selector is:


The selector can be any valid CSS selector that identifies the element or elements that you want to select. jQuery also provides its own set of selectors that can be used to target specific elements, attributes, and values.

The Ends With Selector

One selector that is particularly useful for finding IDs that end with a specific string is the "ends with" selector. This selector is denoted by the '$=' syntax, where the equal sign (=) is preceded by the dollar sign ($) and followed by the string that you want to match.


Let's say we have an HTML page that contains several divs with IDs that end with "-container." We can easily select these divs using the ends with selector like this:


This selector will match any div element with an ID that ends with "-container". We can then perform any jQuery function on these elements, such as adding a class or changing their contents.

Putting it All Together

To find IDs that end with a specific string in jQuery, we simply need to combine the $() function with the ends with selector. For example:

$('#my-div-container').click(function() {

In this example, we are adding a click event listener to an element with an ID of "my-div-container". When this element is clicked, we select all divs with IDs that end with "-container", and add a class of "highlight" to them.


Finding IDs that end with a specific string is a straightforward task with jQuery. By using the ends with selector, we can easily select the elements that we need and perform any desired function on them. With this knowledge, we can streamline our coding and create more efficient and effective web applications.