📜  自定义颜色引导按钮 - 汇编(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:41:24.409000             🧑  作者: Mango

自定义颜色引导按钮 - 汇编

本文将介绍如何在汇编程序中创建自定义颜色的引导按钮。我们将使用NASM(Netwide Assembler)作为示例汇编语言。




在开始编写代码之前,我们需要一个图形库。在本教程中,我们将使用Bare Bones窗口管理器(BBWM)。请确保您已经安装了BBWM,并且能够将其包含在代码中。



section .data

buttonX     dd 313        ; Button X position
buttonY     dd 232        ; Button Y position
buttonW     dw 100        ; Button width
buttonH     dw 50         ; Button height
buttonColor dd 0xFFFF00   ; Button color in RGB format (yellow)

section .text

global _start

    ; Create the button window
    mov eax, 10              ; BBWM opcode for CreateWindow
    xor ebx, ebx             ; Parent window (0 = desktop)
    mov ecx, buttonX         ; Left position of the window
    mov edx, buttonY         ; Top position of the window
    mov esi, buttonW         ; Width of the window
    mov edi, buttonH         ; Height of the window
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    ; Set the window color
    mov eax, 18              ; BBWM opcode for SetColor
    mov ebx, eax             ; Window handle (same as returned by CreateWindow)
    mov ecx, buttonColor     ; RGB color to set
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    ; Wait for the user to close the window
    mov eax, 16              ; BBWM opcode for WaitForEvent
    xor ebx, ebx             ; Event handle (0 = all events)
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall


section .data

buttonX     dd 313        ; Button X position
buttonY     dd 232        ; Button Y position
buttonW     dw 100        ; Button width
buttonH     dw 50         ; Button height
buttonColor dd 0xFFFF00   ; Button color in RGB format (yellow)

section .text

global _start

    ; Create the button window
    mov eax, 10              ; BBWM opcode for CreateWindow
    xor ebx, ebx             ; Parent window (0 = desktop)
    mov ecx, buttonX         ; Left position of the window
    mov edx, buttonY         ; Top position of the window
    mov esi, buttonW         ; Width of the window
    mov edi, buttonH         ; Height of the window
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    ; Set the window color
    mov eax, 18              ; BBWM opcode for SetColor
    mov ebx, eax             ; Window handle (same as returned by CreateWindow)
    mov ecx, buttonColor     ; RGB color to set
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    ; Show the button window
    mov eax, 12              ; BBWM opcode for ShowWindow
    mov ebx, eax             ; Window handle (same as returned by CreateWindow)
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    ; Wait for the user to close the window
    mov eax, 16              ; BBWM opcode for WaitForEvent
    xor ebx, ebx             ; Event handle (0 = all events)
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall


section .data

buttonX      dd 313        ; Button X position
buttonY      dd 232        ; Button Y position
buttonW      dw 100        ; Button width
buttonH      dw 50         ; Button height
buttonColor  dd 0xFFFF00   ; Button color in RGB format (yellow)

section .text

global _start

    ; Create the button window
    mov eax, 10              ; BBWM opcode for CreateWindow
    xor ebx, ebx             ; Parent window (0 = desktop)
    mov ecx, buttonX         ; Left position of the window
    mov edx, buttonY         ; Top position of the window
    mov esi, buttonW         ; Width of the window
    mov edi, buttonH         ; Height of the window
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    ; Set the window color
    mov eax, 18              ; BBWM opcode for SetColor
    mov ebx, eax             ; Window handle (same as returned by CreateWindow)
    mov ecx, buttonColor     ; RGB color to set
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    ; Show the button window
    mov eax, 12              ; BBWM opcode for ShowWindow
    mov ebx, eax             ; Window handle (same as returned by CreateWindow)
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    ; Wait for the user to click the button
    mov eax, 16              ; BBWM opcode for WaitForEvent
    xor ebx, ebx             ; Event handle (0 = all events)
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    ; Check if it was a left mouse button click
    cmp [ebx + 4], 1         ; Message ID in [ebx+4], 1 = left mouse button
    jz  buttonClicked        ; Jump to label buttonClicked if yes

    ; If it was not a button click, keep waiting for events
    jmp _start             

    ; Close the window and exit
    mov eax, 6               ; BBWM opcode for CloseWindow
    mov ebx, eax             ; Window handle
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke BBWM syscall

    mov eax, 1               ; System call for exit
    xor ebx, ebx             ; Return value (0 = success)
    int 0x80                 ; Invoke system call

在本文中,我们学习了如何在汇编程序中创建自定义颜色的引导按钮。我们使用NASM和Bare Bones窗口管理器进行了示例,但您可以将本教程中的相应代码转换为您选择的任何汇编语言和图形库。