📜  juce sleep (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:17:05.959000             🧑  作者: Mango

JUCE Sleep

JUCE is a framework for building audio applications in C++. It comes with a variety of tools to make building complex audio applications easier, and one of the most important of these tools is the ability to put the application to sleep.

Why use juce::Thread::sleep()?

When building an audio application, it's often necessary to perform tasks in the background, such as loading samples or processing audio. However, these tasks can be CPU-intensive and can cause the application to hang or become unresponsive. By using juce::Thread::sleep(), we can pause the execution of these tasks and allow the CPU to do other things, such as process audio in real-time.

How to use juce::Thread::sleep()

Using juce::Thread::sleep() is incredibly simple. All you need to do is call the function and specify the time you want the application to sleep for, in milliseconds.


For example, if we want to pause the execution of a task for 500 milliseconds, we would call juce::Thread::sleep(500).

What happens during a juce::Thread::sleep()

During a juce::Thread::sleep(), the application enters a "waiting" state, where it will not execute any code until the specified time has elapsed. This allows the CPU to do other things, such as process audio in real-time.

Best practices for using juce::Thread::sleep()

While juce::Thread::sleep() is a useful tool, it should be used sparingly. Sleeping for too long can cause the application to become unresponsive, and can lead to audio dropouts or glitches.

Additionally, if you're performing tasks in the background, it's important to use a separate thread. This will allow the audio thread to continue processing audio in real-time while the background threads perform their tasks.


juce::Thread::sleep() is a powerful tool for building audio applications in C++. By using this function, we can pause the execution of background tasks and allow the CPU to do other things, such as process audio in real-time. However, it's important to use this function sparingly and to always use separate threads for background tasks.