📜  git cleanup remove remove - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:41:25.410000             🧑  作者: Mango

Git Cleanup - Shell/Bash


Have you ever been working with Git and found yourself with a cluttered tree of branches? Or maybe you want to remove some local branches that were already deleted on the remote? Git Cleanup is a script that will assist you in cleaning up your Git branches in a few simple steps.

How To Use Git Cleanup
  1. Clone the repository on your local machine
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository using your terminal
  3. Run the following command:
./git_cleanup remove remove
  1. Enter the names of the branches you wish to remove, separated by spaces

Git cleanup has two options:

  • remove: this option removes one or more local branches.
  • remove -remote: this option removes all local branches that no longer exist on the remote.

Both options take in the branches to be removed as arguments.

Example Usage

To remove a branch called feature-branch-1, run the following command:

./git_cleanup remove feature-branch-1

To remove all local branches that no longer exist on the remote, run the following command:

./git_cleanup remove -remote

Git Cleanup is a simple and helpful script for any Git user. It makes cleaning up your Git branches a breeze, enabling you to work more efficiently and effectively.