📜  stringify c# (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:05:23.242000             🧑  作者: Mango

Stringify in C#

In C#, stringify refers to the process of converting a non-string variable, usually a numeric value or an object, into a string. This is achieved through a method called ToString().

Using ToString() Method

The ToString() method is a built-in method in C# that is implemented on most types, including all numeric types, object, and even user-defined types.


To use the ToString() method, simply call it on the variable you want to convert to a string. For example, to convert an integer variable intVar to a string, you would use the following code:

string strVar = intVar.ToString();

Here are some examples of using the ToString() method with different types in C#:

int intVar = 42;
string strVar = intVar.ToString(); // strVar will contain the string "42"

float floatVar = 3.14f;
string strVar = floatVar.ToString(); // strVar will contain the string "3.14"

object objVar = new { Name = "John", Age = 30 };
string strVar = objVar.ToString(); // strVar will contain the string "{ Name = John, Age = 30 }"
String Formatting

The ToString() method also allows for string formatting. This means that you can specify how the resulting string should look like, including the number of decimal places, leading zeros, and other formatting options.


To use string formatting with the ToString() method, you need to specify a format string as an argument. The format string is a string that defines how the resulting string should look like.

Here is an example of using string formatting to convert a float variable floatVar to a string with two decimal places:

float floatVar = 3.14159265359f;
string strVar = floatVar.ToString("F2"); // strVar will contain the string "3.14"

In this example, the format string "F2" specifies that the resulting string should have two decimal places.


Here are some more examples of using string formatting with the ToString() method in C#:

int intVar = 42;
string strVar = intVar.ToString("D5"); // strVar will contain the string "00042"

float floatVar = 3.14f;
string strVar = floatVar.ToString("N3"); // strVar will contain the string "3.140"

DateTime dateVar = DateTime.Now;
string strVar = dateVar.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); // strVar will contain the string "2022/07/20"

The ToString() method is a powerful tool in C# for converting non-string variables to strings. With its built-in string formatting options, you can easily achieve any desired string representation of your data.