📜  hasura squashmigrations - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:01:06.988000             🧑  作者: Mango

Hasura Squash Migrations - Shell/Bash

Are you tired of dealing with a long list of migration files every time you deploy a new version of your application? Have you ever faced issues with conflicting migrations or invalid SQL syntax? Fear not, Hasura Squash Migrations is here to save the day!


Hasura Squash Migrations is a command-line tool that lets you consolidate multiple migration files into a single file. This can be extremely helpful in cases where you have a long list of migrations that you need to maintain and deploy.

By consolidating all the migrations into a single file, you can reduce the chances of conflicts and errors during deployment, while also ensuring that the migrations are applied in the correct order.

Getting Started

To get started with Hasura Squash Migrations, you need to have the tool installed on your system. You can install it using NPM by running the following command:

npm install -g hasura-squashmigrations

Once you have the tool installed, you can use it to consolidate your migrations.


Here's an example of how you can use Hasura Squash Migrations to consolidate your migration files:

hasura squashmigrations --output=squashed.sql --schema=public --from=1626823625168_create_users_table.up.sql --to=1626828566268_add_bio_column.up.sql

In this example, we're consolidating all the migration files from 1626823625168_create_users_table.up.sql to 1626828566268_add_bio_column.up.sql into a single file called squashed.sql under the public schema.

You can also use wildcards to select multiple migration files. For example, the following command will squash all migration files that start with *.up.sql in the public schema:

hasura squashmigrations --output=squashed.sql --schema=public --from=*.up.sql

Hasura Squash Migrations can help you simplify your migration process, reduce the chances of conflicts and errors, and make deployments more streamlined. Give it a try and see how it works for you!