📜  vue-datetime (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:05:53.223000             🧑  作者: Mango


Vue-datetime is a Vue.js component which allows you to select a date and time from a dropdown calendar. It is a simple and easy-to-use component that can be integrated into any Vue.js application.


To install Vue-datetime, you can use npm or yarn:

npm install --save vue-datetime
yarn add vue-datetime

After installing, you can import the component into your Vue.js application:

import Datetime from 'vue-datetime';
import 'vue-datetime/dist/vue-datetime.css';


Once you have imported the component, you can use it in your Vue.js templates:

<datetime v-model="date"></datetime>

In the above example, we have used v-model to bind an instance of Date to the component. This means that when the user selects a date and time, it will be automatically updated in our date variable.


Vue-datetime has a number of configuration options to customize the component. These can be passed as props to the component:

  • dateFormat: The date format to use when displaying the date. This should be a string that uses the same format as the Moment.js library (e.g. 'YYYY-MM-DD').
  • timeFormat: The time format to use when displaying the time. This should be a string that uses the same format as the Moment.js library (e.g. 'HH:mm').
  • closeOnSelect: Whether to close the dropdown calendar after selecting a date and time.
  • pickerOptions: Options to pass to the Pikaday and Moment.js libraries.

For example, to set the date format to 'DD-MM-YYYY' and the time format to 'HH:mm:ss':

<datetime v-model="date" :date-format="'DD-MM-YYYY'" :time-format="'HH:mm:ss'"></datetime>

Vue-datetime is a simple and easy-to-use component for selecting a date and time in Vue.js applications. It has a number of configuration options to customize the component and integrates well with the Moment.js and Pikaday libraries.