📜  c# .net core kendo dropdownlistfor enum - C# (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:42.151000             🧑  作者: Mango

C# .NET Core Kendo DropDownListFor Enum

C# .NET Core Kendo DropDownListFor can be used to bind an enum to a dropdown list in an ASP.NET Core application. This provides a convenient way to populate dropdown lists with enum values and handle the selection in C#.


To use Kendo DropDownListFor Enum in your C# .NET Core application, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • .NET Core SDK installed
  • Understanding of C# programming language and ASP.NET Core
Step 1: Define the Enum

First, define the enum in your C# code. Enum represents a group of named constants, and each constant has an associated value.

public enum MyEnum
Step 2: Create a ViewModel

Next, create a ViewModel class that will hold the selected enum value. This ViewModel will be used to bind the dropdown list with the selected value.

public class MyViewModel
    public MyEnum SelectedValue { get; set; }
Step 3: Render the Kendo DropDownListFor Enum

In your razor view, use the Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor() method to render the Kendo DropDownListFor Enum.

@model MyViewModel

@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.SelectedValue)

In the above snippet, DropDownListFor is bound to the SelectedValue property of the ViewModel. DataTextField and DataValueField properties are set to specify the display and value fields for each dropdown list item. The BindTo method is used to populate the dropdown list with enum values.

Step 4: Handle the Selected Value

To handle the selected value of the Kendo DropDownListFor Enum, simply refer to it in your controller action.

public IActionResult Index(MyViewModel model)
    var selectedValue = model.SelectedValue;
    // Do something with the selected value
    return View(model);

In the above example, the selected value is accessed from the model.SelectedValue property.


By using the Kendo DropDownListFor Enum in a C# .NET Core application, you can easily bind an enum to a dropdown list and handle the selected value. The Kendo UI framework provides a powerful set of features to work with dropdown lists and other UI components in ASP.NET Core applications.

Remember to add the necessary Kendo UI dependencies and configuration for your project to use Kendo dropdown lists. You can refer to the official Kendo UI documentation for more details.

Be sure to explore and customize the Kendo DropDownListFor Enum based on your specific requirements and design preferences.